Chapter 32: Abuelo's Brother and Pedro

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~Y/n P.O.V~

It's been a week since Casita was rebuilt and Camilo's become more protective, in short he's become a full in bodyguard for me. He gives me warnings but do I listen? No.

I walk around the jungle with Antonio as we look for more creatures, for him and myself. As we continue to walk along we hear a familiar voice call for us

"Y/n! Antonio! Come on it's time to go home!" Camilo yells and I groan

"Come on Tonito" I say as I pick up Antonio and walk back

"Are you hurt?" Camilo asks and I shake my head 'no' and he sighs

"Good, Abuela needs some help with something and they need you to shift into an animal" Camilo says and I nod

"How's your Tía? Her baby bump starting to show?" I ask and Camilo nods

"Tío won't let her go anywhere other than the bed, kitchen, and the restroom and yeah it's slowly showing" Camilo laughs as do I

We all walk back to Casita and enter through the back door, I Antonio down and see Abuela

"Hola Alma! What'd ya need?" I ask and she smiles

"Here Camilo" She says as she hands him a card and a light engulfs me before I turn into a giraffe

"Can you hang this up for us?" Abuela says as she hands me to cover up the whole sky roof and I do so as I listen to her and Camilo's conversation

"Why're we covering up the sky light?" Camilo asks

"Mirabel wanted to tell scary stories to the children tonight since it's gonna be a full moon, in which case Imma need you around so that Y/n can shift into animals for sound effects" Abuela says and I hang up the last side of the drape

Camilo gives the card back to Abuela and I shift back into a human just as my family bursts through the door

"Well hello my actual family" I say as I smile as the twins and Santiago run up to Antonio's room

"Hey Y/n, seen Mirabel?" Carlos asks and I point to her new room, in which she now has her own door as well

"Gracias!" Carlos says before running up there with art supplies

I walk into the Kitchen as Camilo stays back and he seems to ask my Abuelo something but I ignore it as I see Señora Julieta trying to grab something. I quickly rush over and grab the spice she was trying to get and hand it to her

"Thank you Y/n" She says and I nod as I look at her stomach

"When are you do?" I ask as I look back up at her as I help her sit

"In seven months so I still got a while" She laughs before pulling out a book

"What's that?" I ask as I sit across from her

"Oh! This is the book I use for all my recipes. Some I find and some I make" Señora Julieta says and my eye shine

"You make your own recipes?! That's so cool! Do you make your own medicine and stuff too?" I ask and she nods

I hear Camilo gasp and I sigh

"Camilo I'm in the kitchen!" I yell out as I see Señor Agustín walk over and get Señora Julieta

"You may wanna go over there kid" Agustín says and I quickly stand up and rush out to see my Abuelo pulling out a chair

I raise an eyebrow before I sit down beside Camilo and pinch his ear to pull him closer to me

"What did you do." I say and Camilo looks at me with an awkward smile

"We're gonna find out what happened to your Abuelo's, My Abuela and Abuelo" Camilo says before shushing me and grabbing my hand

"Alright now...Alma I have no idea why you're letting me do this..." Abuelo says as he looks at her

"They need to hear this story" Alma says as she crosses her arms

"Well years back when me and Alma were young she met my bestfriend; Pedro, he was an amazing guy, always willing to help others and such. Now my brother Well....he wasn't the cheeriest character but after meeting Pedro he changed, for the better" Abuelo says and Alma scoffs

"We were both there when Alma and Pedro got married and even when they had you three," Abuelo says as he points to Pepa,Julieta, and Bruno "But soon after our town was getting raided, I tried to save as much people as I could and told Alma and Pedro in advance, so your mama grabbed you both," my abuelo says as he points to my mom and Tía "and went with Alma and Pedro while I went to go and find my brother but I couldn't find him anywhere....and I didn't wanna risk leading the men towards all of us so I just left" Abuelo says as I see Alma sit down on a chair

"Now the next part it isn't mine or Alma's favorite but it's apart of this story but it's still apart of the story; while we were crossing the river that was just outside the mountains, the men on horseback had caught up to us and that's when....," Abuelo trails off before contouring "that was when I saw my brother was one of the riders....and those men....killed your father and your Abuelo Pedro..." Abuelo says as he looks at the Madrigals and the triplets all gasp while the kids all look at each other

I stare at my Abuelo as I see Camilo side glance me in the corner of my eye but I don't look at him or at anyone

"After that and the mountains grew and you madrigals were given your gift I never heard from brother again....." Abuelo says as I bunch my knees up to my chest

"Until yesterday" Abuelo says and Alma stands up

"Oliver..." Alma warns my Abuelo

"He's coming to this town Alma, I don't know how he found us but he did....I can't stop him all we can do is protect one another" My Abuelo says as Alma pulls him aside and I look at Dolores

"'Oliver he was with the man that killed my husband! And you think I'm gonna let him come here?!' Abuela says" Dolores says as she continues to listen to their conversation

"'I know Alma I know but he said he was bringing someone with him and that it was someone we both had missed dearly!' Your Abuelo says" Dolores says as everyone just listens to her

"'He's probably bringing that murder with him! He's gonna kill the rest of my family Oliver!' Abuela says" Dolores says

"'Listen I don't want him near my family, so could they stay here with you while I try to get my brother out of this town?' Your Abuelo says" Dolores copies

"'Fine!' Abuela says" Dolores says before they walk over

"L/n's you guys will be staying here for a while, at least until my brother is gone" Abuelo says and I look at Camilo

"Abuelo, did he say when he'd be here by?" I ask and Abuelo nods

"He'll be here tomorrow morning" Abuelo says

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, it's the first one without the storyline of the movie and it'll probably be my last one tonight.

I'm gonna prewrite the next few so that tmrw I can upload 2 and then have 1-2 to upload during the school week, that's at I don't have to worry about writing it I can just upload it

I hope you're having an amazing Morning/Afernoon/Night!

I love you all and am so proud of you!!

Bye Bye Loves❤️❤️

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