You smiled with a soft laugh. "You don't need to size him up, Harlan. He's just my friend."

"And gay." Steve held his hand out to Harlan with a smile. "Steve Rogers, sir. Pleasure to meet you."

Harlan nodded and took his hand. "Harlan Thornby. Any friend of, Y/N's, is a friend of mine." He smiled politely. "Maybe you could tell me why my grandson and, Y/N, have been avoiding each other like the plague." He asked.

Steve chuckled, "Sorry, Mr Thornby, but I'm staying outta that."

Harlan nodded, "In that case, I'll cut straight to the point... What's, Ransom, done?"

You let out a heavy sigh, "Why do you assume it's, Ransom?" You frowned.

"Because I know it is. I haven't seen him for two weeks and then he showed up last night for dinner already pissed." Harlan huffed. "What a joy that was. And of course, Walt and Richard, couldn't help themselves passing comment."

You frowned, "Yeah, well maybe instead of blaming, Ransom, you should ask your son and son-in-law what they're up to." You folded your arms over your chest in irritation.

Harlan frowned. "Meaning?"

You huffed. "They're the ones showing up at, Ransom's, demanding he ends things because and I quote, Richard, 'We're set to make a lot of money if, Y/N, marries that boy, Ransom.'" You mimicked Richard's voice making Steve snicker, "And I think, Walt, said something about, 'Blood Like Wine' was the one set to make a lot of money, which meant he was."

Harlan looked over your shoulder. "Did he now?" He cleared his throat as he looked back at you. "Thank you for clearing things up, Y/N."

You nodded. "Don't be so hard on, Ransom, please. We are going through something at the moment but, we'll figure it out... I hope." You gave him a reassuring smile.

Harlan nodded. "Okay, if you're sure." He smiled. "Come on, let's go through to the party."

You were glad Marta was in attendance at the party because as soon as you entered the main room where Harlan's party guests were, his family mad ejt very clear they weren't happy with your presence.

"What happened last night?" You asked Marta as you and Steve stood with her in a corner talking.

"Ransom, was late to dinner and when he did finally showed up, he was hammered." She began. "Walt, started on him, calling him all the usual names. But then, Richard, laughed and said something about you."

"Me?" You frowned.

Marta nodded, "Something about seeing sense." She shrugged. "Whatever he meant, Ransom, got angry and started shouting and throwing things like he does."

"Jeez, you know how to pick 'em." Steve joked receiving an elbow in the stomach from you.

"Trust me, the rest of the, Thornby-Drysdale, family are assholes and deserve it." You said.

He nodded. "Sure. I can see that."

The sound of the door slamming, echoed around the house. Even over the sound of the music that was playing and the chatter of the guests, you heard it from the room you were in.

You closed your eyes and took in a deep breath. You knew who it was without seeing him. And sure enough, Ransom walked round the corner of the doorway. Your breath caught in your throat as his gaze met yours. You quickly looked away as Ransom took a step into the room but before he could get far his mother was dragging him away.

"You okay?" Steve asked.

You nodded, clearing your throat. "I'm fine." You smiled. "Shall we get another drink?"

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