Alastriona's hands were shaking with rage. She pulled on her own hair, who was she supposed to talk to about this? What were the odds of her being able to find Dawn?

Alastriona's head snapped up and she let go of her curls, she sprinted down the hall to the bathroom. 

One of the cubicles was taken. Alastriona darted into the one next to it and as soon as she sat down on the lid of the toilet she broke down into tears caused by her unexpressed wrath. 

"Do we take turns breaking down?" The girl in the cubicle next to her asked softly with just a hint of sarcasm attached.

Alastriona choked out a laugh and sighed in relief.

Alastriona had decided not to tell anyone about her previous bathroom encounter, she hadn't seen any reason to and now she was just grateful to have someone to talk to. 

"Taking turns sounds fair." Alastriona sniffled, she grabbed some toilet paper and blew her nose.

The girl in the next cubicle twisted her fingers together, "Do— do you want to talk about it?" Her voice was so quiet, so hesitant, that Alastriona nearly missed it. 

Alastriona took a deep breath, "There are people who expect me to do bad things... to go mad and feral."

The girl hesitated, this wasn't what she'd expected when talking to the girl who viewed everything as glass half full.

"Why would they expect that?" The girl wasn't actually expecting a reply, she was expecting to hear footsteps running away any second.

"Because," Alastriona hesitated, "it's in my blood..." She didn't know why she was admitting this but it helped not being able to see the girls face or reaction.

"Blood can't define you." The girl said quickly, defensively. "How much do you even know about this madness?"

"I don't want to know anything— if I know more then what if I can start seeing it in myself?"

"Or..." The girl started softly, "Maybe you'd see that you aren't even close to going insane or feral and it could put your mind at ease." This girl couldn't believe that after talking with the Scottish Hufflepuff just twice she was already spurting out positive reactions.

"I—" Alastriona stopped and let out a humourless chuckle, "You're right." She stood up, "I have to go... thank you."

The girl didn't reply but smiled to herself and let out a shaky breath. 

Alastriona didn't go to the Great Hall like she'd told Darcy she would, instead she went to the Hufflepuff Common Room and sat down at a small table with her ink, quill and parchment.

Dear Adelaide,
If the offer still stands I would like to know more about Madrona. Please.
- Alastriona

Alastriona didn't want anyone to find this letter and hurried to the owlery straight away. 
"Arwen," Alastriona called out and her stunning honey coloured Barn Owl flew down to meet her, she had two letters attached to one of her talons, "hello, beautiful." Alastriona cooed.
Arwen nipped her finger affectionately as she gently grabbed the two letters and gave her another one. "This is going to Blaise's house, the Zabini Manor." Arwen gave a small 'hoot' of acknowledgment. "Thank you, Arwen."

Alastriona petted her feathers gently before the owl took off into the night.

When Alastriona sat down next to Darcy for dinner in the Great Hall she smiled apologetically, "Sorry I'm so late," she put a letter next to Darcy's plate, "but I come bearing letters from Uncle Finn!"

When Alastriona sat down next to Darcy for dinner in the Great Hall she smiled apologetically, "Sorry I'm so late," she put a letter next to Darcy's plate, "but I come bearing letters from Uncle Finn!"

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Dawn sat down next to Theo at the Slytherin table on a Friday afternoon.

Alastriona, Draco, Darcy, Blaise and Theo had all just left an impossibly boring History of Magic class and were feeling less than enthusiastic about the rest of the day. 

"Lively bunch aren't you?" Dawn sniggered, everyone let out little murmurs of acknowledgement, Dawn shrugged it off. "I've just got myself a date to the Yule Ball."

This made the group sit up a little straighter, Alastriona and Darcy were looking quizzically at Dawn. They knew she loved Charlie, was this a date?

"Who is it then?" Theo asked curiously.

"Margo Castillon, she's from Beauxbatons." Dawn answered cheerfully, "We're just going as friends though."

"Oh yeah, she's really nice!" Alastriona grinned happily, she liked Margo.

Draco was smirking at Theo and Blaise, "You two still haven't got dates?"

Theo dropped his head and let it smack into the table, Alastriona flinched at the sound.

Blaise shrugged, seemingly unbothered, "It's not a big deal."

"I hear Pansy's looking for a date." Darcy taunted Theo, a large grin across her face.

Theo groaned miserably, he peered up at Alastriona across from him, his head still on the table, "What about Hannah and Susan? Have they got dates?" He asked, a teeny bit of hope shining in his hazel eyes.

Alastriona's pitiful expression gave him his answer. The hope fizzled out.

Dawn was still smiling happily though. "You going with Lee?" She asked Darcy.

Darcy's tanned cheeks heated up with a blush, "Sure am, he asked me yesterday." 

Draco glanced to Blaise, he seemed more sombre than usual, "Who do you want to go with, mate?" He'd asked it quietly but everyone heard and they all turned to Blaise, waiting for an answer.

Blaise frowned a little, "I don't know, I'm not really bothered."

Alastriona had spent four years with Blaise and while he rarely showed much expression on a daily bases she liked to think she knew every subtle change on his face and what they all meant.

"You know you could ask anyone and they'd say yes." Alastriona stated, there was no doubt in her voice and there was no room for protest.

Blaise scoffed and shook his head, "Right." He stood up and gave a half smile to his friends, "I'll see you all later, I'm going to head to class early." 

The table fell silent at his departure. Alastriona cleared her throat awkwardly, making Draco smile, "What about Luna Lovegood?" She pitched the idea to Theo.

His face scrunched up, "No way, she's a nutter."

Alastriona rolled her eyes at him, "So dramatic." 

"I am not!" Theo snapped back at her.

"You so are!" Alastriona kept teasing.

"I dare you to say I'm dramatic one more-"

Alastriona was grinning now, "So dramatic!" 

"That's it!" Theo jumped up and made to launch over the table but Alastriona was already up and running down the Great Hall, cackling with laughter as she did.

"Get back here, Red!" Theo shouted, racing after her with his wand at the ready.

Dawn and Darcy stared expectantly at Draco, he frowned in response, "What do you want me to do about it? It's not like he'll be able to catch her." He paused and let out a light chuckle, "If anything I'm more worried for Theo."

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