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"I hate this school. No because I was-" I was cut off by bell ringing. I sighed heavily as I waved to my friends as I walked to my classroom and sat down. I sat by a group of people who were very loud and chaotic. I've actually tried to get my spot moved before. They're always loud in the hallways, too.

I unpacked my bag and got my books out for my 1st period. Math. Math for 1st is like hell in a classroom. I didn't bother paying attention and snuck my phone out. I go to my Pinterest and start scrolling and adding things to boards. Unbeknownst to me, my teacher is walking around the classroom for literally nothing. I couldn't see her walk up to my desk until I heard her call my name and ask for my phone. "Y/n. Phone. You know you shouldn't be on your phone during my class." I sigh and roll my eyes and hand her my phone. She short sighs and walks back to her desk, placing my phone on the side of her. I open my math book because now I actually HAVE to listen to this. On the left side of me, I hear a whisper to me.

"Aye. Aye. Y/nnnnnnn! Pssssst!"
It was a pink toned girl with really pretty hair. Mina. She was smirking at me still whispering.
"What?" I respond in confusion.
"I know how to get your phone backkk! You wanna know how?"
"....yeah." Im very intrigued because I want my phone back now.
"Okay, whats your number?" She asks me, while pulling her own phone out."
"Its 346-123-6544"(i hope this isnt a real number.)
"Okay thanks, Ill just spam that number and she'll get annoyed and give it back." she says and giggles quietly.
"Okay thank you-" I was cut off by the sound of ding! 's every half of second. The teacher got annoyed with the sounds and soon aggressively slammed my phone back on my desk. "If i see it out next time, its going to the front office. And turn your phone on silent."
I looked over to Mina and she winked and smiled at me.
"How does that even make sense?"
"Idk she just gets annoyed then gives it back.."
"Well thank you-"
The bell rung and I got my books and put them into my bag. I walk out of the classroom and I start walking to my locker. I hear Mina call my name from really far behind me and I turn around to see her waving and walking to me.
"Hey y/n!"
"Hey! Is something wrong?" I asked.
"Do you want to meet my friends.?"

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