Chapter 12: Dancing in your arms....

Start from the beginning

"In there, there are a lot of symptoms that match Harry's reaction to a lot of things. I don't think she was sexually abused. But I am very sure, she was physically beaten.", Moony said quietly. They looked at Moony in disbelief.

"Remember the first morning when Harry went flying. Hermione assured her that her godson's grandmother was a good person, not like her aunt. Why would she mention aunt when they lived with their parents? What had aunt done to make Harry so afraid for safety of her godson? It didn't add up."

"She never ever leaves anything on her plate. Its always cleaned up. No matter how bad or good the food is. She eats everything in the plate. She eats in a hurry too, as if it would be taken away from her. It maybe because she was starved as punishment. She never talks of her childhood. It's always after the Rotary school started and is usually about Ron's house. Why would she not talk about her parents like Hermione? I thought that maybe Hermione parents beat her up but left Hermione alone. Some parents are known to do that. Your parents are prime example of it, Padfoot. But Hermione is way too protective of her for that to be true. Hermione would have stood up against such ill treatment of her sister."

"The only logical explanation was that Harry, Ron and Hermione met in the school and became friends. The two realized Harry's house condition and Ron took her in. The reason they lied about it would be probably because Harry doesn't want to explain about her past. Or relive any memory associated with it. She gets very skirmish if you ask about her parents. There is a detached expression on her face when she talks about her home life. Like she is talking from an outsiders prospective."

"Hermione's explanation that Harry was refusing any medical treatment to take care of children, like she wished someone had taken of her. It rang a bell in my head. They both have said it more often than not, that Harry has suffered more than them. But how could she, if they were all in the attack together? There was something fishy about it. Then there was way she bore the pain. Irrespective of adrenaline and pain tolerance, she should not have been able to carry on for so long, if she wasn't habitual to it. If her stamina to bear pain wasn't increase gradually to that level in a long duration of time."

"Harry is surprised by love or affection shown to her. She was shocked and confused as to why we were making a fuss about her being in pain or injured. Like she doesn't expect anyone, other than Hermione and Ron, to show concern. Like it was a daily occurrence and she deserved it. People physical abused in early years tend to accept that the punishment and pain they have is because they deserve nothing else. It all lines up to physical abuse.", Moony added as if crossing list in his head.

"Maybe she is refusing you because she thinks she damaged and doesn't want to be a burden. A lot of child abuse survivors consider themselves as unworthy of love and affection. It is beaten out of them. Maybe it has nothing to do with you, but everything to do with the insecurities that have been installed in her since she was a child.", Moony said softly in dead silence.

"Oh my God! Her nightmares!! She usually puts silencing charms around her bed but once, after your quidditch practice, she forgot. She was whimpering and begging for help. She was thrashing wildly and woke up with tears pouring down her face. Hermione calmed her down and bunked in with her. Her eyes were so pained at that time. I thought it was about the Hampstead massacre but maybe it was something else. Oh my God! That's horrible! How could anyone do that to a child?!?", Lily said in despair.

"How do I.... What do I..?", Sirius looked helplessly at Remus.

"First, you need to be sure, you want to be with her for right reasons. If you are sure, which I can see from face, you are, then give her time. Show her you like her but in non pressuring way. She needs to trust you. You need to show her that her darkness will not drive you away. Be there for her. Don't ever pity her. She is a survivor, not a victim.", Moony told Sirius sternly.

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