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Ship: Tagatha       P.O.V Agatha  Also all Authors notes will be in bold

It was the middle of the night, and Agatha opened her eyes, woken up by a strange sound. She looked to her side to see Tedros peacefully sleeping and unaware. The sound didn't come again so Agatha lay back down to sleep.

Agatha's eyes shot open. She heard something again, waking her up at ungodly hours. Tedros was of course still sleeping. Agatha groaned and lay back down to bed. This kept happening, and needless to say she didn't get a good night of sleep.

Blink. Blink. Blinkblinkblink. Agatha slowly rose out of bed to see Tedros opening the curtains.

"Didn't care to let me sleep?" Agatha muttered grumpily.

"We have public speaking in two hours, remember?" Tedros asked.

"The downside of ruling Camelot." Agatha sighed pulling the sheets off of herself. "By the way, I heard weird noises last night that kept me up. Do you know what it was?" 

"Um... I ate beans last night..." Tedros said, guiltily.


"...Beans beans the magical fruit the more you eat the more you toot?" Tedros said, cheekily. Agatha glared as she got up to leave. Right before opening the door she set Reaper on top of Tedros's lap, and he stared in fright down at the hissing cat. 

Agatha walked out of the room and shut the door, humming to Tedros screaming, "Agatha wait I'm sorry! Get the cat offa meeee!!!! OW Get it meeeow... ok I'll go... THAT HURT! OWWWW AGATHA!"

Hi guys, I know that this chapter is really short but I wanted to start the book off with something simple. So, what ship should I do next? Comment below, vote and follow if you want to, because I follow back.

-Tabitha :)

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 08, 2022 ⏰

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