Chapter Twenty-Nine: Hands All Over

Começar do início

"For Eri-chan, I mean!" Mirio immediately replied. "Things are a little overwhelming right now, with everything that's happened, and I'm a little worried about her."

Apprehension flashed through Misaki at the mention of the little girl's name and she anxiously inquired, "Is she okay?"

Mirio was silent for a short moment before answering her in an almost guilty-sounding tone of voice, "Yeah, she's just been really quiet lately. Ever since the raids ended. I actually haven't been able to spend very much time with her. All of the experienced hero students have been busy helping out with patrols, and Aizawa-sensei... Well, he's not exactly in the best shape. I just think it would help to have a familiar face around to keep her company. So she doesn't shut herself off again, you know?"

Misaki slid her eyes closed and leaned back against the wall behind her, taking a deep breath in through her nose before letting it out slowly from her mouth before replying, "I understand. I'll start making preparations first thing in the morning."

There was no decision to be made. If Eri needed her, that was where she would go. No matter what, she could not, would not put her own feelings ahead of Eri's. She loved that little girl like she was her own and turning her back on her now because she didn't want to be apart from Hawks was something that Misaki just wasn't capable of. Deep down, she knew that he would understand, and he would support her decision to help the little girl; not that it made the situation any easier for her to consider at the moment.

"Thanks, Misaki-san!" Mirio enthusiastically replied. "I'll let Principal Nezu know. I'm certain Eri-chan will be really happy to see you!"

They said their goodbyes and Misaki ended the call. She couldn't say that she wasn't looking forward to spending time with Eri, but a big part of her was dreading having to say goodbye to Hawks again so soon. The rational part of her knew that it wouldn't be like it was last time. They would still be able to talk on the phone and maybe even in person sometimes, even if they couldn't be together as often as they wanted to until things calmed down with the villains rampaging throughout the country. However, that didn't stop the emotional side of her from feeling like a toddler throwing a massive temper tantrum for not getting what she wanted. Heaving a deep sigh, she shook her head and pushed those thoughts away, quickly composing herself before pushing off from the wall and heading back into the break room.

Taking a seat next to Hawks who was still sprawled out across the dining table, she gently prodded his shoulder and said, "Hey. You can't really sleep here, ya know?"

"Five more minutes..." His grumbled reply sounded out a moment later.

Smiling to herself, she reached out to run her fingers through his hair in a comforting gesture. After a few gentle strokes, she heard his muffled, scratchy voice address her, "I thought you didn't want me to fall asleep here."

"Well I'd rub your back, but..." She trailed off with a playful lilt to her voice.

He sluggishly crossed his arms underneath his head, turning his face toward her and cracking his eyes open as he said, "It seemed like you and the elder Todoroki siblings hit it off pretty well."

She stared back at him with a tender expression while continuing to gently run her fingers through his short hair. "Yeah. It was kinda nice actually, getting to spend some time with people around my own age for a change."

"I guess you haven't really had many opportunities to do that lately, huh?" He remarked with a muted, almost remorseful sounding tone to his scratchy voice.

"Not since I was ten years old. I was always surrounded by people who were more or less twice my age until I got the job at the bank and befriended Ai." She shot him a softly playful grin as she said, "And then I met you."

Winds of Destiny: Rising ~ {Hawks x OC}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora