the sand dune

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Listening to loud warnings of clouds

waiting for them to pour their heart out and cleanse

I stand on the silent sand dune

taking in the angry view of the cottony, dark clouds

awaiting the murderous velocity of wind

to beat against my unfixed body

I steady myself against the gush of wind that tries to throw me off my feet

I spread my arms in the wait for my crucifixion

Over the roar of clouds I fix my ears to wind which blows whistling through my pores

My duppata shudders against my body trying to escape like a caged bird

Direct connection of heaven to earth, the thunder, in form of live cables marking their presence while graying everything in the background

water slap against my body with ferocity, puncturing holes through my soul

Soaking me from head to toe

A sudden calmness ensue midst this chaos of nature

like the thirst is finally quenched of the body or soul, I am not sure

But this is the moment of stillness in the middle of waving leaves, thundering showers and it grows and grows

Weeks later when one sunny day I pass by that same sand dune which suffered the wrath of weather with me that day

It is not the same

It has changed shape

It is beautiful than before with all new curves and vegetation and birds and butterflies

It's beautiful with the new creation

It's beautiful, surviving.

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