Chapter 2 - Forecasted Chaos

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January 1-31st 2022


I know there's some generic things to say about January when it comes around. "Oh look it's a new start", "2021 was the warm-up, 2022 is the game", "It's gonna be my year", all that crap. Do you know what 2022 will be though? The second year of Brexit, the third year of that pesky virus thing that's been doing its rounds, most likely the year of climate catastrophe. This morning while I was waking up, I had BBC Radio 4 on and they were talking about how entire islands are being swallowed up by the ocean but moving the people is proving to be a task as they have their traditions on that land and their ancestors. This will become all too common. I'm sure the British Isles and Ireland are going to be swallowed up too at one point unless we become like the Dutch and actively reclaim the land from the sea.

I should be optimistic for a new start, I know, but... no. I can't be optimistic when it comes to knowing the planet is being destroyed and I have virtually have no power over changing it. I boycott brands, I buy sustainably, I drink from a metal bottle to save the turtles, I vote with my pounds, I respect nature and create habitats for them, yet all of this does not feel like I am doing anything really to impact the world. Hell, I even sort my recycling by material type and put them in the respective bins only for them to all be shoved into the same bin and most likely shipped to a third world country who is plagued with the rubbish from the first world. Donating clothes to charity shops is all fine and dandy, but a lot of clothes get sent for "recycling" only to end up in massive piles in Benin, and surprisingly, Poland. Our own efforts are green-washed without us realising. I'm fed up, you know.

Due to covid, we didn't have any New Years celebrations. We sat at home and watched Jools Holland's Hootenanny. We sang Auld Lang Syne, we briefly acknowledged the fireworks outside. We don't celebrate Christmas in my family, New Years is the big celebration, although it has been rather lowkey since the pandemic hit. Everyone else is busy doing something today, I'm busy sitting on the sofa and browsing the internet. My dad said he'd take a coffee break soon as he's heavily focused on work today, I'm waiting for him to come out of the office and join me. Otherwise, I'm bored. Maya is going to take me out for a little while later and my grandparents are going to make a worthy supper this evening. I don't have any other plans for today. My mind's a mess, nothing I'm writing makes sense. There is only hope.


Sunday's are quite boring, aren't they? The mild weather continues to confuse me. Never mind the climate, I'm the one having a crisis here. I'm currently sitting in Casey's room as he works on university stuff. I don't know exactly what it is he's doing, but he's been heavily focused for the last half hour. At least his bed is cosy. Dan and Maya have headed out to the shops to buy some fresh fruit and vegetables, the rest of the adults are cleaning up the house to prepare for the new year. We're swapping out our old sofa decor for some new-to-us decor. We're going for a pastel vibe this year - pink cushions, blue blankets, yellow flowers. Despite all of the bright colours, my world feels rather dull.


Monday's moody moonshine is

Tuesday's turbulent times is

Wednesday's weird worries is

Thursday's thorough thoughts is

Friday's fearful fights is

Saturday's suspicious scaring is

Sunday's sleepless services


With the weather finally turning to winter, I have been spending my days getting cosy with Maya. I have been wrapped in blankets, sipping on hot cups of tea and listening to the stories that Maya reads to me. We are currently reading Threads of Life by Clare Hunter and it talks about how people turned to embroidery during certain events of history, such as Mary Queen of Scots who embroidered throughout her childhood and up to her time in prison and the sex slave prisoners of war during World War Two.

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