She takes another step backwards. "I'm sorry guys, but I can't go."

"So that's it? You guys aren't going to go? Suit yourself because I am." I reach for my bag, but JJ stops me.

I stand up and look at him with anger. Is he really trying to stop me from going right now? I didn't want them involved in the first place, but now that they are all here, it makes me angry that he is choosing her over me. He is trying to stop me from going because of her. 

"Its always about Kiara. You guys had the chance to become millionaires twice and blew it both times. Haven't you heard the saying, third times the charm?" I say, looking at all of them. 

For the first time ever, JJ is remaining silent. He would come with me in a heartbeat if it wasn't for Kiara. 

"We were a team well before you came into the picture. Then you came back to town and we welcomed you in and you have been the furthest from appreciative. We have all been through so much and I can't handle that anymore. You have no idea what we have been through." Kiara says defensively. 

I let out a quiet snicker. "You don't think I haven't been through shit? You were a Kook through and through up until a couple years ago. Your whole childhood was eating off expensive plates, having a roof over your head, an education and two parents who would do anything to give you a good life. Yes, I know that you guys went through a lot these past few years, especially when you got stuck on that island. But do not assume that my life has been easy because it hasn't. You have no idea what I have gone through either."

Kiara shrugs her shoulders and reaches into her bag to grab her water bottle. There's no way that she is going to sit back and remain silent. Kiara always argues back. 

"That's it? You don't have anything else that you want to say?" I laugh dryly, still waiting for her to continue the argument that is far from over. I am so sick of everybody treading on eggshells because of Kiara. She needs to be put in her place. 

"I'm not stopping anyone from going. But these guys clearly know that I am the smart one here and that is why they are choosing to stay too."

I shake my head in disagreement. "They were all willing to go. Everyone came along on the trip to the lighthouse."

"Which was a total failure."

"Fine then." I pick up my backpack from the floor and look ahead at the end of the dock where the boat is moored. "I'll go by myself." I glance over at JJ who doesn't dare to stop me this time. 

At last, Pope speaks up because he has been quiet this entire conversation. 

"I know that all Pogues stick together, but that cross belonged to my ancestors. If there is a way that I can get that back, then you bet I will take every chance that I get." Pope follows me down the dock and we both help each other onto the boat. We find the compartment where the life vests are kept and hide out in here. It's hot and confined in here, but hopefully we won't be in here for too long. Once the boat takes off, we can get out of here. 

Shortly after, the top of the life vest storage compartment is removed and I look up to see JJ. He climbs in with Pope and I. 

"We managed to convince Kie. The others are hiding out too."

I ignore him because I am not happy with him at the moment. This was just supposed to be him and I. I am glad that Pope is here though. He is the only one who seems to have the same mindset as me. 

"I'm sorry for asking everyone. You can be angry at me for as long as you need to but just know, we need to all communicate and trust each other if this plan is going to work."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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