"You'll find that person soon," Mary tried to calm Hank down.

"We have. For months people have been coming for tryouts, I think over 50 hopefuls came over three months but none really fitted the role," Steve said.

"I think that's enough of our sad story. What's today's agenda?" Hank quickly changed the subject before anyone else could say anything.

"Um, we were gonna discuss that," Claire started, but then Toby decided to pipe in.

"Hey! I just got a text from Douxie! He wants us to meet him at the cafe!" Toby exclaimed.

"Cool, I guess we know what we're gonna do," Claire stated as the group of seven made their way to Mr. Benoits, the cafe where their friend Douxie works part-time.

---------------------------------Mr. Benoits---------------------------------

The group entered the cafe, where they were greeted by a waitress.

"Good evening, how may I assist you?" the waitress greeted them.

"Um, hi Rey," Darci greeted, noticing her name tag on her apron, "um, is Douxie around?"

"Ah yes, he's in the kitchen. I'll go get him for you. Please take a seat in the meantime." the waitress, Rey said.

"Thank you," Toby said, as Rey made her way to the kitchen.

Steve and Eli had already combined two tables and pulled seven chairs for them, like they always do. The group took their seats.

"So, what do you think Douxie wants to see us for?" Mary said, taking out her phone.

"No idea," Toby said, as Eli and Darci shrugged their shoulders as well.

"Well, we won't have to wait long," Claire said, as she pointed out towards the kitchen door. The group turned their heads to face Douxie, who was approaching them, a smile on his face.

"Hey guys," Douxie greeted.

"Hey Douxie."

"Sup dude."

"So, why'd ya call us here?" Eli asked. Douxie's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Huh? I only asked Toby to be here," the group looked at him, and then back at Toby.

"What? You said- Oh," Toby looked at the message one more time and chuckled nervously, "my bad, he only wanted me here."

"Well, why do you want only Toby here?" Darci asked. Douxie opened his mouth to respond, but thought otherwise and closed it.

"Why? What is it?" Mary pushed.

"Um, it's kind of something only Toby, someone else and I do," Toby's eyes suddenly grew wide.

"Oh shit, I nearly forgot! It's today, right?" he asked. Douxie nodded in confirmation.

"What? What's today?" Mary asked.

"It's kinda private, which is why I asked for only Toby to come," Douxie replied.

"But TP, you promised there'd be no secrets between us," Darci said, shocked. Toby looked at his feet.

"I know, I'm sorry, but this is really something only the three of us do. But they are our friends, Douxie. Maybe we can let them know."

Douxie sighed before nodding, "Yeah, maybe we can tell them."

The group leaned in to listen. Toby started the explanation.

"Today marks the sixth year my best friend has gone missing."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2022 ⏰

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