Cuddles (naked)

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Killer's pov:
I walked into the castle after I went on a walk. I had to go on a walk with cross sense he wasn't allowed to go places by himself cause last time he started a fight.I went into me and nightmare's shared room as I flopped on the bed. "Bad day?" Nightmare asked as he put the book he was reading down. "Yup" I replied. Nightmare sighed.
"Want me to go make you some coffee or hot tea?" Nightmare asked. I smiled. "Maybe some hot tea" I said. Nightmare chuckled abit. "That's new you usually ask for coffee" Nightmare said. I just shrugged. "Well you told me to stop drinking alot of coffee" I said. Nightmare nodded before walking out.
I moved my position so I was sitting up and not laying on my face. After a few minutes Nightmare came back in with a cup. He than handed the cup to me. "Thanks Nighty" I said. "Anytime kills" Nightmare responded. I than drank some of the hot tea before putting the cup on the night stand that was next to the bed.
"Shit!" I yelled as I accidentally spilled some of the hot tea on myself. Nightmare immediately sat up after hearing me shout. "I'll clean it up killer just go change" Nightmare said. "You sure nighty?" I asked. Nightmare nodded. I than got up and walked to the closet to get some clothes. "Danmit all of my clothes are dirty" I said as all my clothes were in the laundry room. I just went into the bathroom.
I than walked out after taking my dirty clothes off. Nightmare was changing the bed sense some of the hot tea spilled on the bed. "Sorry about spilling the hot tea" I said. "Don't be sorry kills" Nightmare said. After Nightmare finished changing the bed we layed back down. "Couldn't find any clean clothes?" Nightmare asked as he noticed that I was just wearing boxers. "Yeah" I said. "You can borrow some of my clothes if you want" Nightmare said. "No thanks I'm fine" I replied.
I than cuddled up to nightmare. "Cuddles" I said wanting affection. Nightmare chuckled before putting his arms around me. I smiled, cuddling up to Nightmare. We than heard shouting from downstairs. Nightmare than sat up. "I'll be back kills I gotta go see what those idiots are doing" Nightmare said. I nodded as Nightmare went down stairs. After a while nightmare walked back in. "So what happened?" I asked.
"Those idiots were just having a water balloon fight and horror and dust are trying to murder eachother like usual" Nightmare said as his shirt was soaked sense he got hit by a water balloon. Nightmare took his shirt off and put it on the floor before getting back into his bed with me. I than cuddled back up to nightmare. Nightmare smiled as he put his arms around me. After a while me and nightmare fell asleep.
                          The end.
I got a little lazy while writing this so sorry if it's bad. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this. Have a good day/night! See ya in the next story!

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