"you are not a problem Della! I wish I had known! if I had known I would have never asked you to fly back and forth between Germany and Texas.. you should have been healing and resting! how do you not hate me?" he asked tilting my face up to look at me

"because it made me feel normal... it made me feel like nothing had to change just because I had screwed up. it gave me a reason to get back to normal and it took my mind off my own problems at that point... it may have caused me to wear even heavier makeup than I did already but it was okay. I learned to change bandages quickly in powder rooms in airports or train stations... it was exactly what I needed"

"i wish I'd known than. I would have found a way to come and been there at the hospital with you, like I was with mama" he kept me held tight in his arms.

"he was actually your dad wasn't he?" he asked

"it actually turned out he wasn't. he was my step dad. my mom had been married before him and I belonged to a sailor who was killed during pearl harbor" I explained

"that's a good thing... he didn't do any great damage did he?" he wondered

"no thankfully.. I can still conceive and birth babies... I asked at every appointment I had after the accident"

"I'm sorry I made you tell me... next time just tell me to shut my big mouth if it's hard to talk about" he said as he pecked my cheek before changing into his pajamas..

"no it's okay... I feel better now that I've talked about it and told you what happened.. I should have done it sooner, " I said realizing I did feel better after telling him. I thought it would have been better if he didn't know but... I don't think it was better for either of us.

" I feel bad because I kept it from you, " I said as I brushed my teeth

"i don't like that you kept It from me but I understand why you did... if I had been there I wouldn't have been able to help myself when I found him hurting you." he said as he brushed his own teeth.

"i know... I wanted to tell you so bad, I wanted you there that day but I knew it was better that you didn't know. I didn't want you in trouble because of me. you had enough trouble with Ann Margret and the others... you didn't need me added to the list" I said shoving a brush through my hairspray coated hair that stood about 6 inches off my head

"i understand. what matters is that I'm here now and I'm never going to let that happen again.." he slashed some water over his face as I washed the makeup from mine

"you baby.. you really don't need all that makeup" he said wrapping his arms around me after drying his face.

"but I like wearing it" I chuckled.

"if you like it than do it baby but just remember you don't need it" he smiled widely at me

"i love you" I grinned up at him, he really has made me happier than I've ever been before and for me that's something pretty special

" I love you" he grinned before he bent down and whisked me off my feet before carrying me to bed.

And no... we haven't done the deed and don't plan on doing it until our wedding night. we had agreed to it the night we got engaged.

The next morning he once again woke me up

"y'know baby if you keep waking me up so early like this I'm going to be pretty darn moody" I said with my eyes closed as he kept pressing kisses to my lips... honestly it wasn't a bad to wake up... honestly it was the way every girl dreamt of waking up

"sugar it's almost lunchtime" he laughed

"huh?" I asked with my eyes popping open

"yeah baby, I've been trying to wake you for the past hour but you just kept rolling over and going back to sleep" he chuckled thinking about it

Elvis & Della, Memphis.Where stories live. Discover now