Chapter 2:

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Alex woke up feeling strangely happy. It had been a long time since MI6 has contacted him and he hadn't been on a mission in months. Everything was going well. In fact, almost too well.
*Tom's POV*
This trip will be amazing! It will be a great way to end the school year. I just wish Alex was here. After a lot of thought I decided to text Alex about the trip just in case he was staying there or was there on a mission to make sure he was prepared. It had been hours and he still hadn't responded. Hopefully, he isn't here on a mission or something that could lead to his secrets being revealed.
After a long bus ride we finally arrived at the SAS training camp. It looked terrifying. I can't believe that we have to spend a full week here! I just hope that we will at least learn some cool fighting techniques or something.
*Back to the story*
Alex approached the main entrance of the training camp hoping that this group of students wouldn't be too much trouble. He let out a deep breath and opened the door.
"Tom! What are you doing here?" Alex exclaimed slowly trailing off as he saw his year group standing before him.
They were all staring at him shocked. 'Why was he here? I thought he was sick. Isn't that why he left school early? Were just some of the questions people had.'
Alex froze. What would he tell them! How could he explain that he wasn't actually sick and has a job at a SAS training camp in Wales?
Fortunately for Alex, K-Unit decided to enter the room at that moment taking some of the attention away from Alex.
"Listen up!" Wolf shouted. The room instantly fell silent and the soldier carried on. "During your time here you will be taught how to defend yourself and you will learn and practice basic first aid. You will also do physical training with me to test your strength and endurance. I'm Wolf the leader of K-Unit. This is Fox language expert. Snake out unit medic. Eagle our sharpshooter. And Cub who is a bit of everything but during your stay here he will be teaching you self-defence and discussing careers in the military and the SAS with you."
Everyone in the room turned to look at Alex who was still standing next to Tom but looked like he wanted to run away from them all.
"Any questions?" Wolf asked.
A boy at the front asked, "What type of things will be learning in self-defence?" Wolf gestured to Alex indicating that he should answer the question.
"I will be teaching you the basics like how to react if someone attacks you from behind. However, if we get through talk that quickly I can teach you some more advanced techniques."
The boy nodded his head excited about the training.
"Tonight at 6:15 one of us will come and collect you to bring you to the hall we're you will get your food. Cub will be staying in your barracks tonight as the Sergeant asked him to be in charge of your stay here. In a minute he will lead you to your barracks where you will spend the rest of the day unpacking. Enjoy your stay." Eagle said happily desperately trying to counteract the intimidating effect Wolf had on the teenagers.
Alex led the group out of the room and started leading them to the barracks which unfortunately were located on the other side of the camp.
'This is going to be a long week!' He thought to himself.

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