"Oh..." Nagi sighs in defeat.

"It'll be fine, Nagi-kun. I'll still be staying behind in the dorms so you won't be alone." Sogo reassured Nagi.

"Okay~! Thank you so much! My friend!" Nagi excitedly spoke in English while giving Sogo a hug. It wasn't a lot of words but the others still got the basic meaning of it due to how much their use to Nagi speaking English from time to time.


"Oi. What are you spacing out for? Class ended 5 minutes ago and it's now lunch break." Haruka huffed as he walked up to Tamaki's table with his arms crossed. It was normal for him to be daydreaming but usually once the bell rang signaling a break, Tamaki would be the first one to be jumping out of his seat.

"Hmm? Oh hi Isumin. Just thinking about something..." Tamaki made a quick eye contact with Haruka.

"Thinking? For the first time in your life, are you finally using your brain?" Iori asked sarcastically with entering the conversation.

"Hey! That's mean, Iorin!" Tamaki puffed his checks. "I can be smart if I want to!"

"*sigh* how immature can you get... Anyways, what were you even thinking about?" Iori question.

"Oh. Just about Sou-chan and Nagicchi." Tamaki replied.

"What about them?" Haruka asked.

"Recently I've noticed that when all 6 of us are together, their eyes seems kind of sad? I'm not sure how to describe it but they look a little troubled." Tamaki stated. "They've been using their phones more often too... it'll be normal for Nagicchi but it's rare for Sou-chan. From their finger movements, I think their texting someone?"

The group had been so busy recently after their recovery that Iori didn't even noticed how the others are feeling. Along with idol work, helping manage schedules and school work, Iori had his plate full of things he needed to worry about. Thoughts ran through his head thinking of possible reasons why they were unhappy. Tight schedules? Stressful work? Personal reason?

"Now that you mentioned it, when us ZOOL were hanging out together after practice, you guys came up of TV." Haruka pointed out.

"Really? How were we?" Tamaki excitedly asked. He knew that he was on TV regularly as his job, but it is still a good thing to hear that you were seen on TV.

"Normal I guess. I think it was around the time after you guys got into the incident? Anyways, Minami looked like he was thinking about something really hard. He also looked worried." Haruka said.

"Let's ask them then." Tamaki blurted out.

"Good luck with that then." Haruka casually said as if he didn't even hear it.

"You too, Isumin!" Tamaki cheered back.

"Ha?! I'm not going to ask. Minami's smart enough to solve his own problems. Unlike me, he's strong..." Haruka yelled, but mumbled the last bit.

"Hmm. Alright. Then your coming with us to ask Sou-chan and Nagicchi." Tamaki lazily said.

"Why do I have to?! It's your group, not mine!" Haruka shouted. "I have work after school so I can't even if I wanted to."

"Coincidence or not, I'm sure that they'll eventually come to us if they ever need an ear." Iori replied with an appropriate and mature answer.


"Alright then, we'll be leaving now. See you guys later." Mitsuki waved his hands in the air as he walked out the door.

"Have fun. Please don't over do it though..." Sogo nervously chuckled remembering the time they came back to the dorm completely drunk.

With that, the two left leaving Sogo and Nagi alone in the dorm.

"So many things had happen huh... I wonder how he's doing right now..." Sogo smiled sadly.

"It's lonely at times but I'm sure he'll be back one day." Nagi said. "It's a little frustrating not being able to help much... but we got to cheer him on. He's doing his best training after all."

"Your right... I never would've guessed that he was the prince of Crystal Kingdom though. I'm pretty sure be both knew that he had ties to magic." Sogo continued.

"He never told us any of it to protect us, even if he was struggling. He's really strong and brave." Nagi fondly remembered.

The two continued to share their memory of Riku together until the high school students returned.

Runaway Prince {IDOLiSH7 fanfic} -Discontinued/will be rewritten-Where stories live. Discover now