The proclaimation

Start from the beginning

"Don't look at her. Look at me Aaron. I am asking you something! What's this?"

She asks. Showing him the picture. And he casually looks at it, to just shrug.

"Calm down mom. It's just a casual kiss. What else?"

Aaron's answer made Mrs Reed to fume. As she throws aside her phone, to step closer to him.

"A casual kiss huh?"

Aaron nods, trying to play cool. Hiding the avalanche of emotions building inside him.

"Yaa. Just caught up in the moment. It's not her mistake though. I initiated it."


The sound of a tight slap echoes around in the now empty hallway. As all guests were asked to leave early.

Clenching his fist. Aaron's doesn't dare to say anything. Letting the stinging pain to settle down.

This was the first time his mother has slapped him , but he couldn't blame her.

He deserved this.

"Rose calm down..."

"Mrs Rose we can discuss. It's fine"

Declan's mother says. Interrupting in between. But Rose's eyes were still set on Aaron's. She was not going to stop just here.

"Caught up in the moment? Is this all a god damned joke to you!"

"When you already knew she is engaged to another man! Such shamelessness Aaron? I am really ashamed to call you my son today!"

He still doesn't say anything. Accepting each and everything coming his way.

"Seeing you ..I feel disgusted. Oh lords...this was not the son I raised! A man who takes advantage of a women..."


Ezra's eyes shoot up at the words. Her heart protesting as she sees him taking all the blame of that kiss.

When she somewhere in her heart knew, she herself was equally at fault.

That it was not a forced one, rather a mutual one.

A kiss of lust, admiration, thankfulness ,later regret and now?


"Calm down Rose. Let's sit and discuss."

Drake tries, but Rose just places down his hand. Moving her head in a no.

"What's there to discuss now Drake. Mr and Mrs Lewis. We are really sorry for this. I seek forgiveness on behalf of my son. But you can trust my word."

"Ezra is the most beautiful, innocent and precious child I have ever seen. I can assure you, it was not her mistake."

"Mrs Reed. Please. We understand. You don't need to worry. I guess, we should leave the decison on our children only.'

"It's their life after all."

Mrs Reed nods, to only turn around to look at Aaron. Who has not lifted up his eyes, since the slap.

"Drake please...take him away from my eyes. I can't. I just can't bear to see his face..."

Aaron's didn't had to be told twice. Closing his eyes, he does everything in his control to stop those tears.

And turn his back on them.

Walking out ,with everyone looking at him going. But not doing anything to stop him.

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