Part 3-4: Awakening

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NOTE: part 4 is still ongoing in this story       thank you for your patience

Part 3

My mind raced and began to ponder aimlessly as I whipped myself into the bathroom. The atmosphere made me shiver as the cold ran through my body, causing my hairs to stick on end. The feeling quickly went as Id propped myself in front of the mirror and stare back at the cloned reflection and sigh. 

Staring back at me was a mid-dark-skinned man, his toned, semi-built body showed broadly through his shirt just enough to get an outline of his torso. He had a small but ravishing sized head and the man’s hair was fluffy like a cloud and stood out a lot to create his character type, He had a quiet noticeable rounded jaw line fit perfectly to his face, decorated by round plumped nude shade coloured pair of lips.
His effortless cupid bow joined together with a perfect shaped nose, that bridged between the most gorgeous thin almond shaped eyes coloured with dark brown irises. Bushy yet seamlessly trimmed eyebrows lay below his forehead adding to his good-looking character. His look was humble and showed no fear or signs of weakness when he spoke and completed actions, but he was lost and scared in his own mind, and this hurt him. I hated myself, I hated everything about me no matter how much anyone would say it was never enough. I didn’t like anything about me, nothing at all . 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2022 ⏰

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