"I'll show you that later , rn you need these if you want to go there."
Kio gives her a full package of a normal assassin would have . A knife
And a little powder for extra 'pretty'

Kira then puts it on her hips and buckled it up.
"...so? How do I look?"
The same face but with curious eyes.
that made Kio smiled to himself , he got to see this side of his sister for the first time since he knew his sister would never knew about feelings and rather be shallow in the dark.
Like a shadow with no light.

"You look great , now let's go!"

30 minutes went by and they have arrived at the feast. As expected, Kio being the assassin he is. Hunting for his target.
like a wolf targeting his prey.locking it with his predator eyes.

Kira in the other hand saw something unusual , but she just shrugs it off and sees her brothers eyes , full of hatred and coldness. She felt shivers but not to scared because she knows she can do it better. Or did she tho.

"So ..what's the plan?"
"You go in disguise while I use the backdoor , you pretend to asked for the toilet since your a new face to the party while I go put some drugs in the his drink." Kira object

"Ah no...I think it's best if you go in while I do the big stuff"
Kio made a confused look.
"Eh what? Why would I go in as disguise?? Shouldn't girls do the dirty work?" That made Kio cover his mouth fully. "WAIT I DIDN'T MEANT IT-"

"Nah I think you were right..."
"Then...what's ur plan?"
"I'll do the dirty work"
"Wait Ky..."
"I didn't meant it like that I promise.."
"Oh that , nah don't take that to heart . I do the dirty work for a reason ;)"
Kio then gave a confused look again.
Then he realizes.

5 minutes later.
"Can't believe I'm doing this..."
"If u success this , you can sleep in my place."
That made Kio's face lit up.
"If u success baka"
" 'p foine"

While Kio serves the criminal man , Kira in the back ready to sneak in.
she thens uses a lockpick and unlocks the backdoor. Then she goes in and saw 2 man behind the door but not really paying attention to their surroundings much. That gave Kira a golden opportunity to sneak in and goes to the secret room.

She saw some ladies in there with the boss himself. Kira contacted Kio using a so called earpod

"Where are u?"
"In position in 3...2...1!"

Kio walks in with his dress , a black dress that doesn't expose his chest but his legs.

(Helep I can actually imagine Kio wearing this-)Kio goes in the room and taps a bodyguard

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(Helep I can actually imagine Kio wearing this-)
Kio goes in the room and taps a bodyguard. The bodyguard notices Kio (let's call him Kia🤣💀)
And the bodyguard asks her(I cannot-)

"Hey Kid .are u lost?"
"(In a cute way XD) ummm...someone wanted me to go here but idk why..."
"Oh are you that girl boss told me about?"
"Umm is it sir Feldan?"
"Ah so your the one."
The bodyguard took out his hand and lends it to Kia(💀)
"Here take my hand if you don't want to be loss"

Kira on the other end heard her brothers voice and almost laughed but do it to her disease she's instantly went cold and girls back to her normal form which is her boring face.

Kia when in with the other bodyguard in hand and saw 'sir Feldan'
The bodyguard speaks with his monotone voice
"Sir , I've brought the girl you wanted."

Sir Feldan , known as the bodyguard's boss spoke.
"Why thank you Lio. You can leave now"
Kio then saw Kira at the top of the table(at the top means like she's the roof part but the room's roof is close to the table)and saw the powder that they supposed to add in his drink.

"Ah Melidia , u look like you've already healed from all of the things you've gotten through...I suppose you've done your part"

Kio then instantly went acting mode.
"Mr Feldan sir...I've realized that it's best if I follow your path to glory.."
He's eyes were like Kira's....black , dark ...no emotions.
that made Kira taught something weird.

That made Mr. Feldan smirk and the ladies from his left to right also smirked and said something to make laughed of 'Melidia'
"Ew , what kind of dress is that? It looks like it's way back the old times"
She laughed and so does Mr.Feldan
"Hahahah u think so Hun? Well I think it's looks perfect on her considering how much of a disgrace and a mistake she is"
One of the ladies also said
"She does look like a mistake sir Feldan , she should be in the garbage and even tho she showered she still smells bad as ever"

Kio stayed silent while Kira saw this and smile wickedly...

*Sir I've got you a nice tequila...pls enjoy it"
Mr. Feldan tooks it and laughed with the other ladies.
"You do know your place Melidia...I'm glad you know who is your real savior."

With no hesitation , Mr.Feldan drinks it . In an instant , Mr Feldan's hand slipped the glass of tequila to the grown and it broke. Mr Feldan was holding his neck and was about to pass out , while Kio walked out of the room as in nothing happened.

The bodyguard outside saw Kio and asked him .
"Hey boss didn't said anything about you going out? You should head back"

"Why don't you go in and see if he's dead or not?"
Kio had the same face with no emotions whatsoever.
The bodyguard gulp and let's go of Kio's hand and he walks away.
While the bodyguard rushed inside of the secret room where his boss was probably dead.

Outside Kio then rips of the dress and called Kira , but no answer
"Kira? Sis you copy?
". . . ."
That made Kio instantly new something was going to happened , something bad.
"Damnit Kira , I shouldn't let her now this assassin thing.."

While Kio was running.... He saw Kira...with a girl?

"oh hey Kio."
"Don't you dare give me that look!"
"What look?"
Kio grabs Kira's face and says

Then someone interfered.
They both looked at her and said.
"Don't worry we've got this."

"Umm ..no...I was asking Kira"
"Ouh , right . So I was saying your free from that guy."
"How do you know?!"

"Umm..we killed him"
The girls eyes become big but not scared.
Kio interfered
"Uh yeah we killed him by poisoning his drink with a powder that he'll die notheless he would be dead on the spot"

"So...I'm actually...free?"
"Yep" said the siblings in reunion.

The girl was tearing up.
Then she hugged Kira.

"your welcome...but we need a new name for you."
Kio then suggest

"Since they gave you Melidia , why not change it into Linda?"
The two girls were silent.

Kio then made a hurtful face
"U both are mean (╥_╥)"

Then Kira suggested.
"Why not Ann?
"Since you look like the type would do a Ann...why not Annie?

"That name sounds PRETTY!!"
"Alright so for now on , we'll call you Annie then!"

"Yay friends!!"
Kio on the other hand.
"Why you always bullying meh?!"
Kira-"cause your an idiot when it comes to names!"

The truth always hurts but would never be more hurt then a lie.

Words:1822 ;)
My battery is like 11% but still doing it cause I want to and I wanna sleep so yeah felt sleepy and just finished this so yea gonna sleep so night night =p

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2022 ⏰

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