Twinkie said hanging up the phone and calling the rest of her sisters. At this point, Twinkie didn't care if Dorinda was still mad at Karen. She needed to stop feuding with her sister because Karen's life was on the line.

When Twinkie called her sisters she called, Jacky first telling her quickly about what happened as she rushed off to the hospital. Then, Twinkie called, Dorinda.

"What?" Dorinda asked grouching over the phone as she was dead in her sleep at 3am.
"Girl wake up, Karen needs us!" Twinkie said, "What's wrong with her?" Dorinda asked forgetting that she was gonna make up with her before this happened.

"Stop being mad at your sister and get ready to go to the damn hospital she almost took her life again!" Twinkie yelled at her hanging up the phone and Dorinda got ready.

Dorinda knew not to piss Twinkie off when she was like because when Twinkie was this way they would shut up and listen to her cause when Twinkie had something to say or got mad everybody shut up and listened.

About 20 minutes later the sisters were at the psych ward looking for Drew until he walked up to them after going to the hospital to get the following information from her psychiatrist who had a 24/7 hotline. "What happened to her?" Dorinda asked now worried as she saw Karen laying in the hospital bed admitted in the psych ward as she looked through the window that had the blinds open.

"I took her while she was asleep in the car that's another reason why she's more pissed off than before." Drew said as he looked back at his wife who was mean mugging the nurses. They almost had to strap her down until, Drew had to come into talk to her and Twinkie nodded her head because even though it seemed wrong to take her while she was asleep it was the best thing he could've done which meant less of a hassle since she couldn't put up a fight because when she woke up she was pissed.

"But that doesn't mean that she slept well on the drive here. She was shaking in her sleep. I think she was having nightmares about it." Drew told them referring back to what happened with Deacon Roy not knowing that it was about the argument they had and Twinkie looked at them before saying anything before letting Drew saying she told them.

"She was about to have another suicide attempt." Twinkie said, then they realized that Twinkie damn near saved her life. "Where did you find her?" Dorinda asked, Drew and he looked at Twinkie. "In the closest, Twinkie had called me to check up on her." And Dorinda just hugged, Twinkie even though Twinkie cut her eyes at her a little bit because she knew that Dorinda caused this but didn't say anything about it right then until it was time too.

"What else happened to her?" Jacky asked knowing that wasn't all there was to tell. "The day before she had a major set back." Drew said, "She basically destroyed everything in the house had a mental breakdown and I think it's carrying over from last night." Drew said remembering how drowsy she seemed.
"I called her psychiatrist right after it happened and she told me to watch her. She didn't want me to bring her in yet just so we won't make it worse than what it already was we just needed to give her some time before checking her in."

Drew said, "I also found out she stopped taking her medication. But I just don't know why she would do that when she was getting better." Drew said not being able to wrap his mind around it and the girls looked at Dorinda.

"It's probably because she felt like she was too stressed or just gave up on trying." Jacky said no matter how much it hurt to say that and then, Twinkie and Jacky looked at Dorinda. "What aren't y'all telling me?" Drew asked them. "Dorinda and Karen had another falling out." Jacky finally said with an attitude and Dorinda looked at her like she wasn't supposed to tell. "No, don't you stand there and look at us like that. Jacky told her. "We told you, we yelled at you to stop provoking her. Hell we even tried to get you to back up from her physically. I had to stand in between the two of y'all so, you won't get your lights knocked out. You better be glad, Karen ain't snatch up you right then and there in church like she wanted too because y'all both would've been in the hospital at this point." Jacky said tired of her sisters shit.

When the storm comesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें