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" legs hurtin when we gon make it to the store?" KayKay said

"Girl stfu witcho bum ass we almost dere" KayKay said while sucking her teeth

As the 3 triplets we're walking they encountered some wild ass busted up black monkeys on the side of the road

"What happened to u?" said KayKay

"Some girls jumped me because I stole they're wallet.. they we're broke anyways"

"Damn that's tuff.. can I get a dolla tho"

"BITCH NO, gtfo"


"Kaykay stop messing wit dat girl, she ain't got no business witchu"

"Yea keyana right for once"


Everybody went silent after kayKay went off

People was gossiping n shit so kayKay went up to these 3 chicks

"What y'all runnin yall mouths fo? "

"Uhm.. who r u?"

"Ya mama, now tell me what tf y'all got goin on"

"Bitch no one was speak in to u.. "
The small girl said

"Bitch I'll fight u rn hoe"

So they got to fightin

KayKay and the girl started to get in position as the fight was about to start

Keyshera and Keyana got they cameras ready so they can spoil it to they friends

KayKay swung first and knocked the small white girl in the head n she fell

"OOOHH DAMNNNN" Everybody shouted

Then KayKay got on top of her and starting kickin and swinging and she started to get a nose bleed

Then KayKay got JUMPED by this white girl who was apparently the small white girls "friend"

That's when keyshera and Keyana threw they're phones and start bussing some ass

In the end none of them lost, they just beat 3 little weak ass white girls who got hospitalized after

So they went home

The next day KayKay got a restraining order from the white girl that got her ass beat knowin they was gon be fighting AGAIN today because they wanted a "rematch"

"She scared as fuck" Keyshera said

"Kay u beat her ass up how the fuck she ended up in the hospital?" Keyana asked

"I broke her nose, twisted her ankle, gave her cuts n bruises with my long nails, and I gave her a black eye"

It went silent

"Damn girl u ain't have to almost kill the bitch.. "

"She asked for it n she got it what the fuck was I supposed to do? let the bitch jump me?"  KayKay said

"Nah u didn't even let her get a hit in kay" Keyana said

"They was white girls anyway they knew they was gon get knocked tf out" KayKay said

"Kay u gon be in jail or something if u keep doing that shit u was about to get us in trouble fr" Keyshera said

"Yeah no wonder they did that restraining order against you, I would've to not gon lie" Keyana mumbled

"What u say bitch?" KayKay said

"Nothing" Keyana looked over at Keyshera not trying to laugh

"Oh okay that's what I thought". KayKay said before getting up to go to her room

" Keyshera we really gotta do something about Kay, she gon get us all in trouble and mom wouldn't like that shit, she already got 30 detentions when she was in middle school" Keyana said with a worried look

"You right but what can we do?, she would fight our own mother if she gets too upset" Keyshera said

"You know her boyfriend devon?".

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