vi ; when we were young

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you had been wearing black dress pants with a white dress shirt with a dark purple vest atop of it. arm cuffs had been placed on your upper arm for the hell of it since it looked cool, and they're practical. your vision hung from a belt loop as it swayed occasionally when you strided across the marble floor of the venue.

as you walked around, the scent of rich perfumes and colognes had filled in your memory. the sounds of chatter and laughter made you feel as if this was just like one of those mondstadt business parties that you had attended with your late father. drunken businessmen and women filled the venue top to bottom. what was so great about these events anyways? you sighed quietly, hoping the yuheng didn't hear your soft complaint.

'that must be the yuheng of the qixing...'

'who's that behind her? they seem quite intimidating.'

'perhaps another member of the qixing?'

gossip was a must in these sorts of parties. people love to talk, that's what you've learned the past year staying in liyue harbour. 

"lady keqing, you're needed at the main hall for your speech." one of the secretaries that had worked at the qixing had approached the both of you. "ah, captain y/n, always a pleasure." you bowed politely to the secretary. 

"alright. y/n, take a look around. we wouldn't want any unwanted guests in here." keqing patted your shoulder while you nodded in response. 

"okay, will do." you two parted ways for the time being. you scooted past tall figures of business people from around teyvat. brushing past a warm shoulder, your vision seemed to spark at the sudden warmth. sure it was hot in the hall, but the arm you brushed past was warmer than usual - and your vision seemed to take interest in it.

you turned back to only see a glimpse of red make its way through the crowd away from you. you hummed quietly, wondering who that was.

minutes have gone by and the entire hall seemed completely normal by the time keqing had finished up her speech. you had chatted around with many people who had a knacking interest in your mondstadt vision while residing in liyue. it's not a very rare question to get, especially in your first few months of living in the city. you simply told everyone you moved because you had family here. 

that was a lie of course. your mother had stayed in mondsadt despite being of liyue blood. you had no one here, no one to call family. only the man you resided with for the past year was the closest thing you had to a solid figure of family in liyue. 

after a while, the air had gotten heavy. this was probably the alcoholic adults getting more and more drunk as the night when on. you stepped out on one of the balconies to catch some fresh night air. 

the city lights were amazing, something you still couldn't get sick of every time you went out at night.

"so it is you."

your short-lived peace was cut from the voice behind you. however you just chuckled without turning back. "does someone seek an audience with me?" you paused, looking up at the night stars with your head slightly tilted near the voice. "and you would be?"

"if you bothered turning around, you'd know." 

a sigh escaped your lips. "i already know who it is." you answered, knowing the voice all too well. "what business do you have in liyue, mr. ragnvindr?"

the tall male behind you had stepped closer to your figure, soon he stood beside you on the balcony. you took a glance at the young adult. he must be 19, almost 20 now if your memory serves you right. he was wearing a dark red jacket with black detailing around it. his hair was up higher than he would usually wear it.

 he reached for something in his inner pocket, flashing it towards you while opening the trinket box. inside was crepus' delusion he had used the same day he passed. you thought you'd never set glance at that cursed glove again, but alas there it is, right in front of your eyes - stained with death and despair.

"you, y/n. i've come to find you." diluc said. you shot him a puzzled look out of habit. "i want answers."

you hummed in amusement. "it took you more than a year to find me?" you set your gaze back on the cityscape. "not even a greeting? how cold." diluc didn't waiver at your comments. 

"you didn't give me a farewell when you left." he replied with a forlorn expression. you couldn't tell if he was frowning or not, but his tone had a hint of disappointment laced in it. "i saw you that morning. the morning you left mondstadt. i wondered if you were to come back in a week like you usually would."

you silently listened to the man beside you. music muffled from inside the venue hall while people still chatted away. 

"you didn't." he finished. 

"do you not remember what you said to me a week prior?" you huffed. "you don't need me. you never did." you recall, still remembering the weight of his words on your shoulders after all this time. "did you get your answers?"

he nodded. 

"then what business do you have with me?" you turned back to the balcony window to head back inside. "sorry diluc, you've wasted some time."

"i've heard your name brought up quite often." he added. you stopped in your tracks, wondering if he knew about your late father. he probably did honestly. "not directly, but i've heard it in fatui camps."


"diluc, we can talk about this in the morning, there's too many people around." you answered with your eyes at the ground. "there's a guest room close, i'll go and book it for the night." you opened the balcony doors, heading back into the main hall with the red-headed male in pursuit.

oh right, keqing.

"y/n!" the purple-haired woman had caught up to you. "you needn't worry about staying the same duration as me. i've decided to stay a bit longer, please go on ahead and have a good night." she politely bowed to you and the figure behind you. 

"yes, goodnight keqing. be safe." you smiled, grabbing your coat as you walked past the door. 


"not your business."

the walk to the guest house was quiet after that. you weren't comfortable with him, not after all these years and his stingy parting words. the room was located in yujing terrace, where most of the business people resided for the period of the event. luckily there was an open spot you were able to rent for the man. 

"10,000 mora." 'did they increase the price... how stingy.'  you laid a hefty bag on the counter of the reception desk. "15,000 mora. keep the change." you sighed, "please take care of him."

"of course, lady l/n." 

"i'm off. i'll pick you up here at six in the morning, try not to be tardy mr. ragnvindr." it looked like he scowled at you, but you weren't sure because you were already halfway out the doors. 

a/n: hi guys. IM ALIVE and i got a new laptop, and im on summer break. sorry it took like a year um i was busy with school and life. but expect updates slightly more often now

for forever ┊diluc r.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن