The Fox and the Box

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The Fox and the Box

                She felt replenished drinking from the stream. Her body was reenergized. She sat on the edge of the stream. Catching her breath. What should she do? Things were chasing her. She couldn’t escape. She lost them for now.

                She ran, she ran, she ran. Closer and closer.  She needed water. Slower and slower. Closer and closer. Dark.

                Smell is- weird. What was it? *sniff sniff* Human, it was human. “Haha the fox in the box” Box? Trapped in a box. Dark, so dark. Too dark no noise.

                Long. In the box too long.

Bright, bright, bright light. Sun? Too hard to tell. Smell. Food? Water? Smell is good. Dark again. Smell food. Eat, full. Yum. Good. Tired. Sleep.

Wake. In box. Still. Cold very cold. Fur not warm. Need warmth. Warmer. Urge to urinate. Box is wet. Feels strange on her feet. Can’t sleep.

New box. How?  Sleep.

More good food. Energy depleting. Can no longer stand. Still tired, so tired…

 Light, box opened. Grass under her feet. Run. Running. SLAM! Into invisible screen? Closed area. Creatures are watching her. Plenty food and water. Full. Energy increasing. Running. Climbing human trees. Fun. Creatures watching. Harmless? No.

Another box. Same box as last time. Settling now. Sleep.

Fur. It’s white. Humans say it’s good for. Coats.

Healthy. Energy level going down. Help. Mom.

Sad. No box. Grass. Dying? No play. Sleep.

Human laughter, happiness. Laughing at the fox. Going to another box.

Same box. Feels like home now. Happy to be home in the box. Goodbye grass.

Long time in the box. Lots of food. Lots of water. Comfortable. Happy. Can barely move legs. Dying. Sad. Grass, sorry. Come back.

Grass. Happy. Dragging herself toward food in grass. *BANG* pain… death… 

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