The Party

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"Nah ya hair look okay" Dede shrugged while drinking a cup of milk

"Are you sure? Should I brush it some more? Is it sticking up anywhere?" I asked while touching my hair

"Nah it's good" he shook his head

"Ma we out" Dede yelled after putting his empty cup in the sink making me walk outside in front of him

It's so cold outside I thought as I pulled the zipper to my coat all the way up

I went to my aunty's car and got in the front seat letting out a breath

Dede got in on the driver side and turned the car on

Since it's so cold, he couldn't just turn on the heat or pull off, he had to wait for the car to warm up so I pulled my seatbelt on and sat back looking at the ceiling

"Hello?" I heard him answer the phone but I just tuned him out and looked at the ceiling

After a few minutes I realized that we were driving and he was off the phone but I still just looked at the ceiling, focused on my breathing

We got to the party and it was way bigger than what I thought it'd be so I kinda tensed up

"Ian know it was gon be like this" Dede said as we both looked at the house that people were just packing into

"It's okay I took my medicine" I said lowly and tapped my lip just because I do that when I'm nervous

"You got ya phone right? Keep it on you ima call you" he turned the car off

"I'll be fine" I mumbled and got out playing with my coat sleeve

Me and Dede almost immediately separated but I really didn't blame him, he's always the life of the parties so I knew I wouldn't wanna be with him

While everyone danced to the (in my opinion) way too loud music, I made my way upstairs and found an empty room

I shut the door and sat down on the nicely made bed just looking around

This room is nice

I really hope they don't have bed bugs because I didn't check before I just sat down

The door opened and this really big and buff guy came in

"Wassup what's ya name?" He asked in a deep voice that was really scary

"Um...I- I'm Janet" I stuttered but I didn't know why

I took my medicine

"Stand up" he said and I did

I looked at him as he stepped closer to me but I moved back

"I- I have a boyfriend" I lied as I stopped right in front of the bed

"Fuck ya boyfriend he ain't got shit on me" he shrugged and slid his hand around my waist

"Bae- yo what the fuck?" I heard a familiar voice before the big dude let me go and I started dropping tears

I wasn't sobbing I was just silently dropping tears because that was really scary

"So you the boyfriend?" The big guy chuckled

I wiped my face and looked around him to see a basketball player

In fact it was the one that I bumped into after the game earlier

"What the fuck you in here doing to my girl?" The basketball player asked

I didn't say anything because I was lying about having a boyfriend but if it occupied the big guy then I was fine

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