c h a p t e r : 6

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Eventually I had fallen asleep with JB and J. These guys were my family, I didn't know what I would do without them. I woke up a few hours later to JB running his fingers across my hands. "Hey" he said quietly as J was still asleep. "Hey" I replied holding onto his hand. Tears brimmed his eyes. I squeezed onto his hand tighter. "Thank you, seriously Tate, thank you. I don't know what I would of done without you. Thanks for being my rock, you're like my sister" he cried. "Thats what family does right?" I giggled through my sobs. He hugged me carefully trying not to disturb JJ. "I'm ready" he smiled. He was ready to hang out with the pogues again. For a while hanging out with everybody at once, everyday became extremely overwhelming for him so Kie started taking up extra shifts and JB told Pope to get his essay done. Most days J and I would go out for an hour or so to give him space as well. I gave him an extra tight hug. We ended up just falling back asleep since it was already late when we had woken up. 

authors note: yes this chapter is short i know. i hope you like jb and tate's friendship. i wish i had a brother relationship in my life like tate does with jb...

my girl ♡ - jj maybankNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ