Double Trouble

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The future is calling from the past.

I suited up the same as the others. I clicked on my shield bracelet and felt weird energy come over me. I grabbed my arrow necklace and the dog tags of my dad and Bucky. I ran to meet the team, but someone stopped me. I turned around to see Clint Barton holding my shoulder.

"You need to focus, Sam," Barton tells me as he brushes a piece of hair out of my face. "I know that you are probably feeling a bunch of different emotions, but if you lose control. We will all lose control."

I nodded my head, "I know, Clint. I am trying. Dad thinks I should stay here, but I know that I am supposed to go."

"You should follow your gut even if it gets you in trouble," He smirked as he pointed to the arrowhead around my neck, "I will always be able to find you and get you out of trouble."

We headed to the lab where Tony, Steve, and Maria were. I walked in and instantly felt everyone's emotions start to change.

"What is going on?" I asked my dad.

"Ultron went to the Maximoff twins," Steve says as he finishes getting his suit on. "They were the two enhanced we saw at the HYDRA base. The boy, Pietro, has supersonic speed while the girl, Wanda, can control the mind and objects. We also learned that Ultron also killed Struker."

Bruce spoke up, "We discovered that Ultron is going after a guy who escaped from an African country, Wakanda, with vibranium."

I sighed and looked down at Steve's shield and my bracelet, "The strongest metal on earth."

We all boarded the Quinjet and tracked where Ulysses Kluad's last location was. He was last seen or heard from in some random salvage yard on the African coast. I collected element supplies into my suit compartments from my stash on the Quinjet. I decided to keep myself isolated for the team's protection.

I tried to calm myself down, but ever since I was given the super-soldier serum, my powers grew. I could feel emotions from hundreds of miles away if they were strong enough, I could create a natural disaster with my flick of the wrist, and I could trap someone in the soul world with one thought. I kept all of these new powers to myself and reeled myself back in every mission if I felt

"Everyone, listen up!" Tony yelled to all of us, "We are about to head into a fight with two enhanced beings. We must stay on our heels, especially with the girl. She can control our minds if we aren't strong enough to block her." He looked at me, then Steve continued with the plan.

"Our mission today is to stop Ultron and the Maxmioffs before they can get the vibranium. Remember to stay vigilant and focus on the mission," Steve tells all of us as we get to the ship where Klaue was at.

We all got our gear together and landed the Quinjet quietly on the shore that was closest to where the ship was docked at and nobody was around. Tony and Steve got off first with Natasha and Thor following quickly behind. I left last after Barton got off. Bruce stayed back with the Quinjet because the Hulk was not needed until "Code Green". I felt that Tony just did not want the Hulk on the loose if Wanda Maxmioff got ahold of his mind.

We all made it to the ship while Ultron was in the middle of a monologue. I rolled my eyes as I activated my shield bracelet knowing that Tony was going to start something that the rest of us were going to have to finish.

"Ah junior," Tony spoke to Ultron as he flew in with Thor and Captain America on each of his sides. "You're gonna break your old man's heart."

Ultron glared at the Avengers, "If I have to."

I could feel all the hatred and negative emotions coming from the Maximoff twins while I snuck up behind Clint and Nat. I decided to show myself, so I used the air around me to propel me next to Thor as he began to speak.

"Nobody has to break anything," Thor said.

"You clearly have never made an omelet," Ultron says as he sees me.

"He beat me by one second," Tony said towards Thor.

Pietro Maxmioff stepped up, coming closer to me and the rest of us, "Ah, yes. He's funny. Mr. Stark."

I started to feel Pietro's emotion change, and I stepped forward to stop him, but Thor stuck his arm in front of me, stopping me.

Pietro kept walking, "It's comfortable?" He looked down at some warheads below. "Like old times?"

Tony's emotion went from confident to guilty, "This was never my life."

Steve started to walk closer, "You two can still walk away from this."

Wanda looked at my dad with hatred, "Oh, we will."

"I know you have suffered," Steve said, trying to ease the conflict.

Ultron scoffed, "Captain America. Pretending you could live without a war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but..."

"If you believe in peace, then let us keep it," Thor said as he continued to hold me back.

Ultron smiled, "Peace? I think you are confused with quiet. There will be no peace as long as that child is still alive, so let me help you with that."

Ultron tried to pull me closer to him, but he caught Tony instead. Watching Tony being blasted away caused my anger to get the better of me. I lost control and went straight to Wanda.

I tried to knock her over with a gust of wind, but Pietro ran past me causing the wind to shift. I turned my focus to the henchmen shooting at us. I used the wind to knock them over while Barton and Nat shot them from above us.

"Little warrior, come here!" Thor yelled for me.

I ran as quickly as I could, "What?"

"I need some wind magic," Thor said as he threw his hammer. I pushed all the air I could to guide the hammer along, and that is when Pietro tried to grab it and fell through the ground.

"Guess he was not worthy," I giggled which caused Thor to smile.

Pietro came behind me and knocked me out, but I took control of his air movements. This caused him to stumble. I smiled but noticed Wanda using her powers on the team. I ran until I was pulled to the side.

"Shh," Clint whispered to me, "The girl can take control of your mind. Don't let her."

As he finished talking, Wanda appeared behind us. Clint put an electric arrow on her forehead.

"I've done the whole mind control thing. Not a fan," Clint told her as she seized. Pietro came, knocked Clint through some glass, and took off with his sister.

"Yeah. You better run." I heard Clint as he got up.

We tried to get everyone else back to the Quinjet, but then I heard Tony speak to me through the comms.

"Legacy, I need your help. The girl got to Banner. We have to stop the Hulk," Tony said.

I looked at my hands like I was a stranger in my body, "I got your back. I'll meet you in the city where the most damage is."

By the time I made it to where Hulk was, there was so much panic and fear. I sent out an energy wave trying to calm everyone which worked enough for Tony to use his Hulkbuster suit to get Hulk to calm down.

A few moments later, I heard a crash nearby. Tony had flown Hulk into an abandoned building, and I ran over there. Hulk was standing there looking at the mess that he had created with guilt.

"Hulk, it's me," I tell him as I step closer, "Come on, buddy. Let Bruce come home."

I closed my eyes, and when I opened them, Bruce was back. Tony and I got him back to the Quinjet, and everyone else was still recovering from Wanda's mind games. Clint redirected somewhere that I did not recognize, but I ended up falling asleep next to my dad. 

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