Chapter 13: The End

Start from the beginning

The Baroness glared at him and unhooked her dogs from the leashes.

"Get him." She commanded.

The dogs ran towards him, barking, and as soon as they reached him, he pointed to the ground.

"Sit." He commanded, and they did.

The Baroness tossed the leashes over her shoulder and stalked towards him.

"Hello, Cruello." She greeted coldly.

"I hate to ruin your party, but I've come to evict you." Cruello stated confidently.

"Don't be absurd." The Baroness chuckled.

Cruello held up the necklace. "This is the key that was in the necklace that unlocks the box my birth certificate was in."

The Baroness gave him a shocked look.

"Hello, Mother." He smirked.

"It all makes sense now." She realized.


"That your so extraordinary. Of course, you're mine. I've longed for someone in my life who was as good as me." She admitted, slowly coming closer to him.

"You left me to die." Cruello accused.

"A mistake. And one we can get past. I know it."

"I disagree."

"You're not hear for revenge. You're here because you're a brilliant designer and a wicked genius and you need to be among your own kind. Me. Your real mother. Who made a mistake and let something extraordinary go."

"We are very alike I suppose." Cruello agreed.

Unbeknownst to the Baroness, John, Artie, and Jasper had started leading the guests outside, the guards had finally broken out of the library, and the police were arriving.

"I'm sorry." The Baroness said.

"You are?"

"I am. Can I hug you?" She asked.

Cruello nodded. "Yes."

The Baroness slowly approached Cruello, with her arms open.

"You're not going to push me off the cliff are you?" He asked skeptically.

"You're so funny dear. So funny. I love it." The Baroness whispered.

She embraced her son, and he embraced her back. She pulled away and stroked the sides of his face with her hands.

"Idiot." She said before she pushed him off the cliff.

The crowd behind her gasped in shock as they just witnessed her murder someone. The Baroness heard the crowd behind her and turned around in horror.

"Hee jumped. Did you see? He jumped. He tried to drag me with him. He jumped, he jumped, he jumped." The Baroness tried to cover up her actions but it was no use. Everyone had seen and now policemen were approaching her.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Oh. He jumped! What are you doing with those handcuffs? He jumped!


"So I told you I died. Estello that is. Poor thing. He couldn't even get anyone to come to his own funeral."

Cruello, (Y/n), Horace, Jasper, Buddy, Wink, and the three Dalmatians stood by an opened grave that had a casket in it.

"That seemed like an unhappy ending. Murdered tragically by her very own mother. A few things. Before he died, Estello willed his fortune to his dear friends. Cruello De Vil, and his lovely lady (Y/n)."


As the Baroness was being dragged away in handcuffs, a car pulled up to Hellman Hall. The door opened and Cruello stepped out, and walked over to the other side of the door and offered his hand to (Y/n) to help her out of the car.

"Can't you idiots see? That Estello person, it's a trick. He's really Cruello.

"Cruello De Vil." He announced. "And this lovely woman is my muse (Y/n)." He pulled her in closer by her waist and she wrapped her arms around him.

"You wait, I'll get even."

"The good thing about evil people is you can always trust them to do something, well, evil. Estello would die like his mother did. But not quite. A well cut coat can be a lifesaver, people. Remember that."

The Baroness was out in the back of a police wagon and taken away to prison.

"The Baroness would go to prison for throwing someone off a cliff. Wrong someone, but there's something about poetic justice that's just so...poetic."


"Goodbye Estello." Cruello took out the necklace that had caused all this trouble and tossed it into the open grave.

"He was with his mother now."

"I'll take it from here."

"But Cruello was alive. And he had his darling muse by his side."

"Alright, we should put some music on or something. Lighten the mood." He said, grabbing (Y/n)'s hand and walking away.

Horace blew his nose into a handkerchief.

"He's not actually dead, mate. He's..." Jasper sighed, giving up and walking away.

"How can you not get choked up at all this? Oh, man."

"And I call that a happy ending."


The car pulled up underneath the gate that lead to the house and Cruello climbed on top of the car and removed part of the 'Hellman Hall' sign with a crowbar, so now it just said



The gang entered the mansion, looking around in awe. John lit the fireplace for them as Cruello looked around with his hand still holding (Y/n)'s.

"Has, uh, Genghis put on a bit of weight?" Horace commented.

John nodded to Cruello, who nodded back.

Jasper stared at the couple. "So, what now?" He asked.

Cruello looked down at (Y/n) and kissed her forehead.

"We've got a few ideas." He smirked.


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