Chapter 2: The Alphas Mate

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(Promise’s Pov. at the age of SIX)

I was about to fall asleep when I felt my mother about to get off the bed. “Mom, please do not leave me.” I say through a sleepy voice to her.

“Okay, sweetheart.” My mother said as she laid back down beside me.

I started dozing off when I heard my mom humming my lullaby to me.  I started humming the tunes out loud.

I drift back into sleep and it feels like hours when I hear the balcony door creak open.  I slow my breathing down when I hear footsteps start to come closer to me. I move my arm barely to see if my mommy is laying down beside me.  The bed is empty on the side.

I bolt right up when the person the person reaches the end of my bed.  I hit the light switch that is right my bed and look to the foot of the bed.

I see a very large man in a wet rain coat looking straight at me.

“AHHH!” I let out an ear piercing scream out that could be heard through out the whole pack house.

(Promise’s Pov. Today)

I bolt straight up, realizing that it was only a dream.  I look around and realized where I was and that I had no clothes on.

If you are thinking hoe, slut, and skank you are all wrong and are mean for thinking that!  No, I am neither of those… I got raped once again by the guy I despise the most.

All I know is that his name is  James Marks and is the leader of the rogue pack!

I get raped every day by him, and I am a weakling you could say because I can not stop him at all! Yes, I try to put up a fight but in the end I always lose…

Weakling, pathetic, and loser is probably what you are thinking! Well, I am weak but I am not a boney little girl, I am fifteen years old and I have not shifted into a werewolf because female girls shift when they are seventeen.  I really do not have my full strength because I am not being fed properly or I would have escaped long time ago, where to I don’t know!

I realize that I am still naked sitting on my little mattress when I feel a pair of eyes on me… I look up to see a different guard looking down at me!

Why do I have a different guard today what happened to Josh, wait his name is Jake… I think!

“What!” I snarl at him.

“I’m sorry…” he barely whispers to me!

“Why do you even feel guilty? You are not the one who is getting raped and abused everyday! You are a rogue who has no feelings at all and does not know the meaning of love at all!” I scream at him!

“Do you even know, why I am here?” He yells at me…

I look away from him and say, “Why does it matter, I am never going to have a family or a normal life because nine years have went by and I am still lost and not a normal girl anymore.. I will never know the meaning of love either anymore all because some stupid rogues decided to take me away from my family and friends when I was little!”

“You need to escape..” He barely whispers to me

“How will I be able to escape, when I always have guard at my door cell!” I tell him..

“It’s going to rain in two days time, when Marks leave he will forget, remember you have fifteen minutes max.” He looks me dead in the eye!

Those eyes look really familiar… Where have I seen them?

“Wait, who are you?” I ask him..

“Do not worry about me, just be ready my dear!” He says to me while he backs away from the door cell and vanishes.

*** A/N: if you are confused it is understandable, I was never on to be able to write stories… Secrets will be revealed but probably in Ch. 4!

Picture on the side is of Promise and a picture of her Eyes! ààààà

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