Then she walked away. The man in front of them stepped closer and began whistling Mozart's Eine Kleine Nachtmusik. The man stopped after a few measures and Sherlock picked it up. He turned around to face the other three and Y/N kept her eyes on the other man. The three man also joined in with Sherlock's whistling as they helped him take off his disguise.

"I told you we should have just knocked her out," Y/N muttered.

Sherlock rolled his eyes and he finished whistling. "I forgot the rest," he told them. He grabbed Y/N's hand. "Come on, dear."

He turned around and the man grabbed hold of his neck. Sherlock let go of Y/N's hand as he was throw up against the wall. Two of the other men grabbed onto Y/N's wrists.

"Oh, it's coming back now," Sherlock commented.

He kneed the man in the groin before throwing rice at another man. Y/N pulled one of her arms free and threw her elbow back into one of their faces. All four of the men were now going after both of them. Y/N's hand quickly found a clasp along her waist and freed her shirt, revealing pants. She used the shirt to blind one of the men as she attacked the other with her freed legs.

"Peelers!" One of the men shouted.

The six of them immediately tried to act as normal as possible as two police officers feared into the alley way. Y/N hid behind crates as Sherlock crotched down and pretended to mediate. He eyed each of the men, studying their weapons and moves. Once the police were gone, Sherlock moved swiftly. He attacked the first man, who got out a large pair of scissors. He forced that man to stab his friend before taking the third man out. The final man grabbed Y/N and held a gun to her head.

"Do you want me to..."

"No, Sherlock," Y/N responded. "I've got it."

She threw her head back, hitting the attackers head before swiftly grabbing the gun. She moved to stand in front of the man, next to Sherlock, gun pointed at the attacker. Y/N smirked as she opened the gun and released the bullets to the ground. The man was slightly scared as she handed him back the gun.

"Very well done, darling," Sherlock said, he took her hand and began to pull her away. "We must go though."

"You took three of them out, only letting me have my fun with one of them," she complained.

"Well, I will remember to let you have your fun first for the next time."

The two hurried to the auction, where Irene's target was. The target was opening up the box, Irene sitting next to him, when Sherlock and Y/N entered. Sherlock grabbed an auction number as they hurried towards them.

"Have you ever met him in person?" The man asked Irene as he pulled open the box cover. "Or like me, have you been—"

Sherlock slipped the auction number between the lever and the box before the bomb could go off. "Hold it, hold it," he advised. "Please, don't move it. Judging from its size and weight, it's no the payment you were expecting. I'd wager the contents are rather more incendiary."

"Who is this?"

Irene struggled to answer. "It's—"

"Hello darling," Sherlock smiled.

He wrapped an arm around her shoulders before kissing her cheek. Y/N's jaw clenched. Sherlock pulled the letter from Irene's hand and turned it over to Y/N. She quickly hid it in her shirt. The man who was holding the package removed a piece of paper that lined the box, triggering the gears inside of it.

"He told you not to move it," Y/N scolded. "Now a secondary charge has been activated."

Irene tried to stand up, but Sherlock gripped her shoulder, keeping her seated.

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