Chapter 2

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Glamrock Freddy's POV:
Starting Initial Party Program....
Checking for Issues...Loading...
ĘRRØR! ĘRRØR! Child Detected! Take care of issue immediately!
I open my eyes to see Vanessa standing in front of me. She seems to be in distress? "Officer Vanessa? Is everything alright? Why are you down here? The show is about to start?" I ask.

"Did you see a child come down here? The little brat got past me and know I have no clue where they're at." Vanessa asked quickly.

' processor said something about a child....' I think to myself. "No, Officer Vanessa. I have not seen a child come by." I responded.

"Whatever. Don't worry about that little brat can't hide forever. Get ready for showtime with the others...." Vanessa said as she ascended the stairs.

I walk over to the others picking up my microphone before Monty bumped my shoulder and asked, "Yo. Freddy. What was that all about?" I looked at him before responding, "I am not so sure myself....let's not worry to much about it."

Then we began to be lifted into our performance area. 'It's showtime!' I think before me and my band members start playing are music as I sing out to the crowd of children. Nothing I'm not used to.

Everything was going pretty swell. Everyone was happy and enjoying themselves. Which is what I love about this job. Nothing was out of order just like every other day.

We performed for hours. Until one last part of a song....something strange....happened to me. I started to glitch out....

ĘRRØR!! ĘRRØR!! ĘrRøR!! ęRrØr!!

And then everything started to fade to black as my processors and screen started to shut down.....the last thing I heard was a little voice....screaming in fear....then finally.....nothing......

Living the PizzaPlex life (Fnaf Security Breach x child reader)Where stories live. Discover now