Uncomfortable Spencer turns his head, hiding against Luke when the man decides to take away his hand completely and also withdraws his hand from Derek, placing it against Luke who covers them again, "To early, to early, I am sorry, Spence." and relaxes even more when Derek places his heavy leather jacket on him, "That's good, isn't it?"

Tiredly Spencer nods against him as his breathing finally starts to even out, "We can bring him up to Hotch's office if you want."

"I'd rather take him home actually, would you mind clearing that with Hotch? I am done for the day anyway, I just stayed because I had a feeling already."

"Of course, but don't judge me for wanting the kid to confirm he is okay with that. He has not said a single word about a boyfriend, nor do I know anything about you."

"Whatever makes you feel good." Hesitant Derek nods and goes up to Hotch while Luke makes sure Spencer is still shield from the light as he takes the hand of his eyes again and soothes him with gentle touches on his face while he becomes unsettling again, "It's okay, there is no need to open your yet, babe"

Luke can feel Emily's eyes on him, while he doesn't look up to her and just looks at Spencer, "We are going to drive home together okay? Just a little bit longer and you can sleep, does that sound good?"

Spencer whines once again, his hand hitting Luke again, "I know, it's exhausting and you are doing so so god, it will be okay." He takes his hand and moves with pressure up and down Spencer's thighs, "That's better?"

He nods and rubs his nose against Luke's neck, flinching away when he accidently feels Luke's beard, "Someday you are going to make me shave that thing off, I can tell."

"How is he?" Hotch steps into the situation, "I am sorry, I didn't notice, I was on the phone."

"He is doing better, Sir. If it is okay with you, I would like to take him home now, he is exhausted."

"Of course." Hotch agrees, "Is there anything you need?"

"If someone could help me walk him down that would be great." Luke tells them, "But we will manage if that's a problem."

If it would be Luke's decision, he wouldn't be asking this, he would be telling this but he knows Spencer hates accepting help and takes great importance in making sure to state to his teammates that it isn't bad to not help him even when they disagree so Luke is not going to ignore Spencer's way of handling things. Especially not when Spencer had been pushing back to tell them about their relationship for so long now, but never told him a reason.

"I will help you." Derek immediately steps in, "I will get him up, you can get your things."

Luke isn't sure if it was intended to come off this harshly by Derek but he lets it go and looks at Spencer practically melting into Derek's touch when the man takes him from him, "You gotta open your eyes, pretty boy."

"Wait." Hotch stops him and grabs his sunglasses from his bag and places them on Spencer's nose, "Here you go." He crouches down next to him, "Can you try and open your eyes for me? You have sunglasses on your face, it won't be to bright, I promise."

While Derek holds him up, he opens his eyes, blinking a few times but then keeping them open, tiredly looking up to the ceiling. "Do you think you can sit on your own as well?" Anxious he reaches for Derek's hands on his arm, that right now hold his jittery body upright,

"That's okay, I am not going to let go." They watch him take a few deep breaths, trying to ease the feeling inside his chest, "Can I ask you a question?" He nods, and starts tapping Derek's hand, "Agent Alvez is going to take you home, is that something you want?"

With that he turns his head around and starts tapping his heart with the one hand, the other pointing in the direction of Luke's desk and when Derek looks at him a little bit confused he just lets his shoulders slump and waits for Luke to come back, who leans down to help him up but gets surprised by a kiss, "How did I deserve that?"

With a genuine smile, he lets his hand guide through Spencer's hair before he crouches down again, "What do you say, we try to get up so that we can drive home?"

"I am not carrying your ass out of here." Derek jokes making Spencer look at him and all three men know the frown he hides behind the sunglasses, because obviously Derek would if Spencer wanted him to.

"He is teasing you, do you feel up to standing up?" Luke brings some clearness to him, one hand placed on his leg, "Okay, come here." He grabs Spencer under his arms and helps him stand up, Hotch and Emily nervously watching while Derek's hands hover inches away, "Good?"

Spencer nods, before pushing his sunglasses back to the right position, "Any spots covering your vision?" He denies it and gladly takes the offer from Derek who wraps an arm around him while walking towards the elevator while Luke carries his stuff and when they step in, Spencer tiredly slumps against Derek who wraps both of his arms around him,

"Pretty boy careful, I don't want your boyfriend to kick my ass." He jokes.

"Believe me , I heard nearly every time you called him a pretty boy or made any other comment on his appearance, if I would have wanted to, I would have done it by now." Luke tells him, "Besides, I have nothing but respect for your friendship and trust in Spencer."

"What he is saying is, that he knows you couldn't beat my ass even if he wanted to." Derek Speaks in a low voice to Spencer while Luke just lets out a quiet chuckle, "But I sure will beat his if he ever hurts you, you got that?"

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