"Well, let's just call this what it is. You betrayed me."

"Wow, dramatic much." Says Kol.

"Honestly, Ric, you're daughter has some major problems." Agrees Hayley.

Josie sits on the bed next to Lizzie. "I was worried about disappointing Dad. So I disappointed you instead." She holds out the bag of frozen peas.

Slowly Lizzie takes the bag of frozen peas from Josie. "I'll forgive you if you promise not to keep secrets about doing black magic with Hope and Lexi. You're my sister, my best friend, and they have spent the last ten years making us feel like we don't matter. And-"

"And Lexi has always been there for us when we needed her. No matter what was going on in her life." Josie cut off.

"At least Josie doesn't hate her." Mutters Enzo to Bonnie.

"Yeah, but I still want to know why Lizzie does." She whispers back as he nods agreeing.

"That's not the point. I don't like feeling that way. Not from Hope, not from Lexi, and no from girls like Dana, not from Dad and not from you." She speaks in a sad tone.

Josie nods. "I promise. Okay? I'm sorry."

"Why is she sorry? She did nothing wrong!" Exaggerates Rebekah.

"Because Lizzie is making her feel bad." Explains Hayley.

"Blonde bitch." Bekah mutters.

"Rebekah," starts Davina. "you're blonde too."

"I know that, but I don't go around making people feel bad and apologize for things when they didn't even do anything wrong."

"Well, you got a point there." Shrugs Davina.

"But still, you can be a blonde bitch when you really want to be." Finishes Hayley.

Rebekah opens her mouth to say something but then closes it before anything comes out. "True." She mutters with a pout as Hayley abs Davina laugh at her.

"It's okay." Lizzie whispers. "I mean, betrayal and all aside, you had my back today."

"And you had mine." She lightly laughs.

Josie moves so that she can lay down next to Lizzie, as Lizzie moves to make room for Josie.

"So, what are we gonna do about Dad?" Josie asks.

"More like what is he gonna do to us?" Counters Lizzie.

Josie gives her a soft laugh then lifts the pack of peas to Lizzie's face placing it on the bruise under her eye as Lizzie flinches from the cold.


Ric is leaning agains his car as Hope and Lexi walk up behind him. They look up to see that Raf and Landon aren't there.

"Where are they?" They ask together.

Ric walks up to them. "Gone. I found these on the windshield when I got back." He hand the girls the two papers, as they yank them out of his hands.

They both open them. "What does yours say?" Asks Lexi looking over Hopes shoulder to read it with her, as Hope leans the paper to the side so that she can read it with her.

(In Landon's voice)"Dear Hope, you strike me as the kind of person who's not so big on second chances, much less third, but I'm gonna give it a shot. I can't explain why I took that knife. Believe me, I wish I could. But maybe I can explain why I ran."

It shows Rafael and Landon hitch hiking on the side of a road.

Reboot ~/Legacies Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon