Coming! (One shot)

87 3 0

Type - Comfort & Crack


I was wondering around my room enjoying the privacy on the rare occasion. All of the brothers were at Diavalo's Castle for a meeting. I had been invited to but I wasn't really in the mood...

I was having a really bad day, I missed home.. home in the human world..

It seems like some of the brothers had an idea something was wrong but due to not wanting to be late to the meeting left it for now.

I noticed a strange feeling on my hand and apon looking I realised I had started crying.

I slowly and begrudgingly took my phone out and started to text Satan.

*this is texting now*

MC: Hey Satan, is the meeting with Diavalo nearly over?

Satan: Why?

MC: I was just wondering.

Satan: MC what's wrong.. me and some of the others noticed something was wrong earlier but we had to leave as Lucifer was being himself again.

MC: I'm just having a bit of a bad day that's all.

Satan: *read*

*no longer texting now*

Satan had read my message but didn't answer, oh well I guess. The meeting don't normally last to long so they should be back in about and hour or so..

About 10 minutes later I heard a pounding on my bedroom door.
I got up from my sprawled out position on my floor and opened the door.

There infront of me stood the brothers.

MC: "How-?!" I was beyond confused.

Satan: "umm.. several traffic violations.."

Asmo: "three accounts of resisting arrest!"

Beel: "roughly 13 cans of energy drinks.."

Levi: "also.. that's not our car"

Levi pointed to a unknown car.

MC: "who's car is that?!"

Belphie: "don't know, ours now I guess"

I started laughing and the rest if the evening was spent hanging out with the brothers.

Meme time

A/N!This was an abrupt ending I'm sorry, I didn't know what to put 😂😭

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

This was an abrupt ending I'm sorry, I didn't know what to put 😂😭

Obey me Memes/Scenarios/Reactions/oneshots  etc Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang