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original work on ao3:

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Lights are closed and locks are clicked.

When the clocks strike midnight, Chanhee always finds himself wrapped between Sunwoo's arms. Perhaps sometimes also finding himself with his lips tasting the younger's sweet, cherry-taste lip balm. Or hands in messy hair and legs locked around body.

But the only thing Chanhee knows the next morning is that what is left behind closed doors, stay behind closed doors.


Chanhee doesn't know what's happening until he feels a weight next to him with arms wrapping around his waist. A face goes to nuzzle at his shoulder and strands of hair tickle at the back of his neck.

It doesn't take him long to realise the one that's behind him.

Sunwoo somehow always sneaks in at his and Eric's shared room when the clock ticks to midnight. Not every night, but most nights perhaps.

It's like a scheduled thing, but with no schedule or any agreement that it is an official thing – just silent communication with both sides not saying anything directly about disliking it. The whole habit came like perhaps an evolution in stages; Chanhee could phrase it like that.

Started with when most members were out of the dorm for a schedule and Sunwoo came by over to snuggle with him for the first time, then a second, or a third, and a fourth. Then the next thing Chanhee knows, it's a regular occurrence.

Sometimes he himself doesn't even notice it, just like now, as the door opens and locks behind the younger and then the next thing he realises is Sunwoo is busy hugging him from behind.

No one knows, except himself and Sunwoo.

No one knows of their cuddle rendezvous that would happen in the late-night sessions, which sometimes might escalate just that bit.

Sometimes loud or just quiet until sometime within the early morning, when Chanhee can't even catch it himself, Sunwoo disappears back to his bed and the only thing left is the lingering warmth around his waist and the spot next to him on the mattress.

Today, though, Sunwoo seems tired as his arms are wrapped tightly around Chanhee and his nose is firmly burrowed. Sunwoo's breath fans at the exposed back of Chanhee's neck and it sends goosebumps throughout his entire body. Bringing up his own hands, Chanhee covers the younger's own pair, which are surprisingly cold, and tries to warm it up. Fingers interlocked naturally and Sunwoo lifts his head in a drowsy manner, leaving to Chanhee's ear and whispering, just quietly.

"Hyung," he starts but trails at the end. Chanhee could feel the deep inhales and long exhales that follow. His own heartbeat fastens, contrasting to the slow breathing of the other boy, as Sunwoo holds him tighter; it's like his entire body is being caged by strong ropes and he doesn't complain. "Don't you think today's schedule was a bit tiring?" Sunwoo tries to start a conversation, humming underneath his breath as Chanhee feels the vibrations of Sunwoo's throat on his shoulders.

It's a poor attempt to start up a conversation, especially when they're meant to talk in whispers to avoid waking up anyone and much less Eric who's just a bunk up from them, but Chanhee stops a laugh that's desperate to escape his lips and instead replaces with a warm smile.

"Yeah, it was, wasn't it?" Chanhee reflects a question that he knows won't get the conversation far ahead but it's relaxing to feel the vibrations of Sunwoo's soft humming stop as he replies.

to you, with cherry coloured lips (sunnew)Where stories live. Discover now