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"Is that all for today" the cashier in front you send as she scan the pregnancy test looking at you "um.. yes thank you"

You haven't gotten your period in like 2 month and you started getting worried so you decided buy a test just to make sure, you paid for the item and got back in you car and got ready to go home you decided to go at john b's because your parents were home and you didn't want them to suspect anything

you arrived at john b you saw JJ and him in the hammock you pared you car and grabbed the bag and got out, you walked over to them "hey y/n" john b said, JJ got out of the hammock and waked over to you "hey cutie" he said as he pulled you in a tight hug "hiii" I said, he notice the bag "ohhhhh" he said snatching the bag out of your hands "hey back" you yelled snatched out of his hands before he can open it, he looked at you confuse "its girls stuff" you lied hoping he'll leave it he nodded

the three of you went inside to watch a movie, john b picked since you and JJ always pick we were watching his favorite 'UP'

john b fell asleep and JJ was making beard to I figure ill take the change and take the test as I was about to walk in the bathroom JJ stopped me "hey ah.. can we talk" he asked concern "yea sure whatcha wanna talk bout" I asked walking to the counter "am... about you" he said looking at me I nod and smile

he looked nervous and also concern "are you pregnant" he said very quickly " I um I saw the test in the bag before you grabbed it" he said "shit" I mumbled under my breath, he looked at me with his eyebrows raised "I don't know jay" I said he nod "I still have to take the test" "were you going to take just now" he asked "yea.. but then you stopped me" I said shaking my head he kiss my head and wished me luck "if you need anything I'm here for you ok" he said I nodded and walked into the bathroom at this point I was really nervous

I waited for the test to work its work as I sat on the floor my head was on the door as I heard JJ spoke "you ok in there" he yelled from the other side "yea I'm just waiting" I yelled back

a few minutes past and the test was complete I got up and walked towards it I took a deep breath in and let it out "here goes nothing "I whispered to my self I looked at it and it was positive I put it down and put my head into my hands

I walked to the door with it in my hands I opened the door to see JJ pacing left and right in the room he looked at me and I started crying, he walked over to me and hug me he knew it was positive by the way my reaction was I couldn't tell if their were happy tear or sad tear

{8 mouth later}

after that day I found out I was pregnant me and JJ told the other and their were so happy and we told my parents which didn't when well plan but atleast they know

since then JJ had stopped smoking and drinking which was kinda hard for him because of the new stress that have been appearing from no way

we both were happy our friends were happy and we all couldn't wait for the baby to be born



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