welcome , manager !

18 2 1

"K-Konoha !"

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Admiring the silence ." She looked around .

He looked around as well.

"Mind if I join you?"

"Not at all , here sit sit ." She tapped a place near her . He sat there next ot her , and secretly glanced at her . She was a lot smaller than him , her body looked as tiny and as fragile as a vase . Her face was as calm as the ocean. She was pretty .

Just then , she openned her eyes and looked up at him.

"Say , Konoha."

"Y-yea ?"

"Do you like your team?"

"O-of course I like my team why wouldn't I ?"
"Do you like every single one of them ?"
"Yes , they are the best teammates I could ask for , they're funny ,supportive, understanding ... responsible , well , maybe not Bokuto-san (he giggled) that guy is is a pain ! But he's a great captain , he always motivates us , he cheers us up, anf he works really hard . Every single one of us does , and that's what makes them the best teammates ever ."
He turns towards her , her eyes were filled with tears.
"(Y/n)?! W-why are tou crying ..? "
Se put her her hand on her eyes .
"I-I'm not crying ! I have something in my eye !"
"No you're literally crying ???"
"Don't say something emotional like that and expect me to just not cry !"
(Y/n) heard the boys comming . She wiped her few tears and stood up , followed by Konoha. The boys got inside and by the time (y/n) got in her sport suit , Thet have already finished their warming ups and started practising their serves and recieves . Yukie stood besides her .
"We're having a training camp next week ."
"Oh that's interesting ! Where will it take place ?"
"Nekoma Highschool."
"Nice , I'm looking forward to it ."
"Oh you can't come."
(Y/n) turned towards her .
"What? Why not ?"
"You're not a manager , (y/n) . The volleyball cub is the one going , you're technically just a regular student ."
"For how long will you be gone ? "
"A week ."
"A whole week ?! I won't see Akaashi for a whole week?!"
"Eh ? " Yukie smiled . "Akaashi ? I thought you liked Bo-san , or were you lying ?"
She stared at her , right in the eyes .
"I-I meant Bokuto-san ! W-why would I lie -"
"I can name multiple reasons."
(Y/n) sighted .
"Fine , it's true. I lied . I actually like Akaashi .. but I was kinda embarrassed to say it because , you know , everyone loves Akaashi and I didn't wanna look like everyone ...Because I didn't fall for him for his looks , you know! I-I fell for his kindness and -"

Yukie interrupted her with a laugh .

"(Y./n) , dude , what are you talking about ?"


"You don't have to justify yourself , you know . Love doesn't always has to have reasons , and you shouldn't be ashamed to admit your feelings . You just love him , that's it ."

(Y/n) looked at her , and smiled . 

"I think I'm ready to join the volleyball club , Yukie."

And so , Yukie and her settled the paperwork , and (y/n) officially joined the volleyball club . The boys decided to treat her for a meal as to welcome her . They went to a small restaurent and ordered japanese food that (y/n) didn't have the chance to try before . Yukie made sure she ended up sitting next to Akaashi . 

"Thank you guys so much , all this food and happiness for me joining . It really warms my heart."she told them , which made them smile . 

"Really didn't think I would mean so much to someone ." She continued in a low whisper that only Akaashi heard .

"I believe everyone deserves to be loved , (y/n) ."

"Y-you think?"

"Yes . Even the ones who can't reach their locker."

"That was just that one time !"

"Or the ones who don't understand math."

"It's just that one lesson ! Akaashi-san ,are you gonna name all my imperfections ?"

"Those aren't imperfection , (y/n) . Those are little things about you that make you who you are . Little things I really love about you ." 

(Y/n)'s heart skipped a beat , or even two . First of all , the first line he said , "those are little things about you that make you who you are" , she wrote it once for him in her secret letters ! It means he actually does read them ! and he even memorised them !

And second , he said he loved those little things about her . THE Akaashi said he loved things in her . She almost couldn't believe it . 

The meal ended , and everyone went home together . It was one of the lovliest nights for (y/n) , and next week , she would go to a training camp with Akaashi , and the boys . She couldn't sleep from the excitement .


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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 22, 2022 ⏰

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