Chapter 2:

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Jake's POV: When my sister always obsesses over One direction, she always asks me "which one is hotter?" Or "which one is for favorite?"
I'm just like "EW!" Or "I'm not gay!"
But honestly, Niall. He's so adorable. With his Irish eyes. Irish hair. Irish everything! He's just like Austin Ower. That cutis that just Walked by. Im not gay, btw. Well, umm....
"Jake? Jake!" Shouted Chad as I was day dreaming on Austin.
"We're you starring at Austin?"
"No! What the fuck?"
"Shit! You were!"
"No I wasn't! Shut up chad!"
He leans in and whispers in my ear
"A-Are you gay?"
"No! Get off of me!"
I said and walked away. This time for sure.
Me & Symphony are suppose to go eat lunch now. So now, I'm just waiting for her out here at the corner when all of the sudden Sindy, my sisters bully, comes up to me.
"Hey Jake" she says
"Ugh Hi"
"What's up?"
"What do you want Sindy?"
"Gosh, I wanted to say Hey"
"Well hey"
"Bad day?"
"To be honest, You're being such a hypocrite"
"What the fuck Jake? Why?"
"Because. You're trying to be all nice now but you're always bullying my sister"
"What? No! I like Symphathy! She's cool."
"It's Symphony & Youre Always calling Her names & pushing Her around!"
"What! No...well...i mean no! Ugh. Okay look. Ill stop if you do something for me"
"Kiss me."
Is she fuckin seriuse? No.
"Well, I guess Symphony is gonna keep getting shit on Her"
Wow. I want to slap her. She's walking Away. Good. WHAT! NO!
"Sindy! Wait!!"
"Yes Jake?"
I have to do this. I dont want Symphony to keep getting bullied.
We're already living a horrible life at home so.
She comes at me. Damn. Thirsty.
She leans to my Lips. Then I press my lips against hers. Gosh, I almost puke.
She ten santa to slide Her tounge in My mother so i pull Away.
"Your good Bowert. Tell your sister Shell be fine." She said then she walked away. Shes such a bitch.
Finally, I find Symphony.
"Hey, Where are we gong?"
"Let's go"
We order our meal & I notice she keeps checking her phone.
"Dude? What up?"
"Sorry. Im just waiting"
"Well like, the other day, i followed all the boys of one direction and now im just waiting for atleast one follow back but im pretty sure none of them will follow back."
"Dont day that. Let me see your phone."
I tweeted: "Hey Lads. I seriously generally love you guys and I really hope I get at least a follow back. Much love, Symphony Bowert"
"Yeah. Like that's gonna work but thanks."
I smiled
We Walked back.
Everything was fine till' we saw Lance.
"Hey boy. Come here"
What does he want know?
"What?" I said
"Dont talk to me like that!"
He said & slapped me across my face.
I really dont care as long as he doesnt touch Symphony.
"Lance! Stop!" Symphony yelled
"Shut up bitch."
I Told Symphony with My mouth actions to stop & go to our room. She obeyed. I really dont know whats his deal but i guess he just has some kind of thing against me.
Symphony POV:
Why? Why can't he hit me instead of Jake? Im the one who gets Hurt the most around here. I wish Lance didnt live with us anymore. Jake Walked in My room.
"Are you okay?" I asked
"Yeah, he just slapped me alot"
" I dont know"
" This isnt your fault beautiul "
It was 11:20PM already
I was about to go to bed when I hear arguing. Its Lance & Mom. Again. I try to ignore It but its loud. There throwing things everywhere. Now, Im Crying. Jake bursted in My room. We got in the bed & Just covered our ears. It all stopped like in 15 minutes. I was about to close My eyes & fall asleep but i got a notification on Twitter. Wow. I just wanted to scream & shout i was so happy! But I fell asleep typing a thank you for the follow back tweet.

Chapter 2 !!! 😭😍
Sneak Peak: Chapter 3: ONE DIRECTION!!!
~ Fernanda ❤️ Muah

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2015 ⏰

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