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It's been a few weeks already and Langa hasn't even been able to talk to Reki once, he'd always get interuppted by something or by Reki himself.

"Why is Reki avoiding me? Did I do something wrong? Is it still because of what happened before?" Langas head flooded with so many questions. He was worried that he had done something to upset his friend. He didn't want to go through the whole Adam incident over again.

"Langa, you have to calm down man"

Langa looked over at the older man with orange colored hair need to him "But what if Reki doesn't want to be my friend anymore..."

Hiromi (aka Shadow an S skateboarder) takes a sip of his drink "Reki wouldn't keep a grudge on something from the past, well I think so?"

"Listen kid, maybe Rekis going through something at home it's probably nothing that includes him being pissed off at you or something" A guy with green hair, dressed as a cook told Langa.

"But he doesn't ignore anyone else. Just me...." Langa put his head down on the counter infront of him.

Joe sighs "Okay, when did this all start?" He asked as he poured himself a glass of wine.

Langa thought about it for a second then rose his head "I think a few weeks ago. Everything was fine when we greeted each other in the morning but then once Yuri came-"

Joe interuppted Langa "Wait, who's Yuri?" He asked the teenager.

"One of my moms friends daughter, she invited them over to our place so I can meet Yuri and get acquainted with her. I immediately knew she was just looking for a girlfriend for me" Langa sighs.

Joe looked at Hiromi, he also looked back, they smirk then both look back at langa, both having the same thought.

"Did you perhaps tell Reki about that?"
"Did you walk to school with Yuri?"
"Yes, I remember Reki walking away, I tried to stop him but Yuri stopped me from doing so"
"Hm...how did Reki look when he was walking away?"

Langa thought about it "....He looked, sad no...he looked as if he wanted to burst into tears then and there as if he just realized something that hurt him.....it was a expression I didn't want to see again....it reminded me of that last time we had a fight" Langa thought back to the argument they had, Reki looked so hurt, broken, and scared.

"Has anything happened between you and Reki recently?" Hiromi asked Langa.

Langa was deciding if he should tell the guys about the kiss in Rekis room....'Fine...' "...You guys can't tell anyone about this okay" Langa said looking at both guys. They nodded there head and listened. Langa sighs "We...kissed"

Both Joe and Hiromi go speechless with widen eyes. It shouldn't be that surprising to them that the two best friends kissed but it actually happened.

Joe came out of his shock and asked Langa how he felt about the kiss "I can't really explain it, um it was like I felt happy? No I guess all I can say is...I didn't want it to stop. I don't know why I had that feeling...I have so many questions that I can't answer myself"

"Have you ever had the thought that you just like Reki, not in a friends type of way, as in wanting to be more then friends"

Langa let out a breathy laugh "No that can't be..." Langa then remembered the thoughts and feelings he had about Reki.

His heart being squeezed when he sees Rekis smile.
Him accepting the kiss between friends thing even though he knew he would be kissing his best friend.
Him blushing when he thought about the kiss they had.

Him just always enjoying Reki's company.

Langa finally realized it.....

He has a crush on Reki.


I almost forgot I needed to publish chapters on this story

Also as you can tell this story is almost coming to an end. I do hope your enjoying it.

And thank you all so much for more then 100 reads!


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