Elena: you know what Rebekah. I get you had your problems with Tatia and Katherine but let's get one thing straight I'm not them. Yes I daggered you i couldn't trust that you wouldn't turn against us I betrayed you but you took it too far you do know you killed me right?! Took away my human life even that wasn't good enough for you was it?

Rebekah didn't say anything and Elena looked at Hayley

Hayley: kitchen.

Elena walked away from them and went into the kitchen and regrets it she seen Elijah and Gia making out and she didn't have on a shirt and was about to lose her pants

Elena: bloody hell.

She walked back into the living room

Klaus smirks: regretted it didn't you?

Elena: shut up.

Everyone else was confused none knew about Elijah and Gia except Klaus and he was keeping that quiet for Elijah

Elijah: Elena. What do you need?

Elena looks at him for a second than speaks

Elena: I need that elixir from a thousand years ago or so.

Elijah: what for? Your a vampire now it won't work on you

Elena: it's not for me Elijah.

Elijah raises an eyebrow at her she sighs and rolls her eyes

Elena: Liv. My witch sister about yay high blonde curly hair. She is a human and I do need to make sure she can come back.

Elijah: come back from what?

Elena: Elijah. Will you just give me the elixir please!

Elijah sighs and he speaks

Elijah: you'll have to ask Niklaus about it he did dagger me after the sacrifice.

Elena looks at Klaus he smirks and Elena speaks

Elena: give it.

Klaus: that's not how you quite ask sweetheart.

Elena gets annoyed she vamps and pins Klaus to the wall by his throat everyone was shocked and wanted to know what was going to happen

Elena: can I please have it? That better for you?

Klaus: I would've preferred less violence.

Elena: liar. Now where is it.

She says letting him go and Klaus looks at her than before he says anything Kol vamps and pins klaus to the wall

Klaus: what now?

Kol: don't tell her where it is. I have questions that I want answered

Elena: go tell someone that cares. Klaus where is it?!

Freya whispers: I'm interested to see where this is going.

Hayley&Lucien&Marcel whisper: me too.

Kol: Nik as your brother I'm asking you.

Elena looks at him

Elena: that's low. Your gonna pull the brother card?

Kol: yes. I am

Elena rolls her eyes and speaks

Elena: too bad. He owes me he killed me and my aunt.

Kol: yeah that won't do it

Elena: Klaus I'm calling that favour!

Klaus sighs: my study bottom draw

Elena smirks and vamps upstairs

Kol: really Nik?

Klaus: in mystic falls I promised her that if she ever needed a favour and I wouldn't give it all she had to say was she called "that favour" sorry Kol.

Hayley: least we know he can keep some promises.

Klaus: nope not for everyone she's probably the only person seeing how I ruined her life a bit.

Freya: wow. So you ruin her life and she gets a lifetime of favours from you?

Klaus: basically.

Rebekah scoffs Elena vamps back down and just than she was slammed into the wall by Kol

Elena: really?

Kol: questions and you answer than I'll let you go

Elena: Kol I will fight you on this.

Kol: hate to break it to you but I'm stronger than you darling

Elena: yeah well I'm angrier

She twists his arm that's pinning her by her throat and uses her magic and throws him into a wall

Everyone including Kol was shocked
Elena continued to use her magic to lift him up and keep him pinned against the wall just than she was thrown into a wall
Everyone's head snapped towards Davina that just walked in and saw what was happening and used her magic to throw Elena

Elena hit the wall and groaned and she got up her eyes glowed purple

(When her eyes glow purple her vampire face shows since she's a special type of heretic her vampire eyes are purple it will be explained later on how she's a heretic)

Klaus saw this look in Elena's eyes and vamped and held a tight grip on her

Klaus: Davina. Leave.

Davina: what? She was hurting Kol

Finn: Davina go.

Davina scoffed and walked out

Klaus: Elena love calm down

Elena's vamp face went away

Klaus: it's fine. You can dagger Kol and murder her another day

Kol: really Nik?

Klaus waves his brother off and looks at Elena

Klaus: did you get the elixir?

Elena: yes.
Klaus releases her from his grip
Klaus: go give it to your witch friend.

Elena sighs and vamps out

Rebekah: Nik what the bloody hell is wrong with you?!

Klaus: what do you mean Rebekah?

Rebekah: you wouldn't care if Elena's friend needed saving or if she needed help.

Klaus: are you forgetting she carried our nieces or nephews have birth to them and lost them?

None said anything Kol realized what Klaus just said

Kol: wait. What did you just say about Elena?

They all looked at Kol than looked away and didn't say anything

Kol saw red catching on Elena hid his kids from him. He doesn't know how it was possible but he was going to get her and get answers but Finn was faster and snapped his neck letting his body drop to the floor

Finn: we'll have to tell him what Liv told us.

They all nodded

I'm going to try and slowly build up a Klaus and Elena friendship in this story

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2022 ⏰

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