The start of the new a new beginning

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Dream's POV

I stood in the corner in the room watching Tommy. He looks so peaceful laying there. I thought to myself.
As I stood here, I watched him slowly get up. I stayed as quiet as a mouse. I watch him try to break out. There's no way he's getting out. I thought.

I watched him turn around and sat down on the pillow, which was in the middle of the room. I stood there for a little longer to see what he would do. He looked really focussed on something. I went up to him.
"You ok, Tommy? You look very focussed on something."

He didn't reply. He just stared at me. I was confused. Why didn't he answer? Then, out of nowhere, he said. "What the fuck do you want."

I looked at him and said, "Oh, nothing really. I just wanna be friends with you, just like when you got exiled."
He didn't say anything. He just looked back at the ground. I put my hand on his back. I was about to say something, then he yelled. "Don't fucking touch me you green bitch!" He moved away from me.

I sat behind him thinking. "What the fuck is this place?" He asked.
I sat there not saying anything. He turned around to look at me. I was looking at the ground.

"Hey! Are you just gonna sit there!?" I slowly looked at him.
"Hey?" Ask Tommy.
I didn't hear him. "Earth to Dream! Earth to Dream!" He said as he moved his hand in front of my face.

"Huh? What?" I said confusingly. "You good?" He asked. "Yea, I am," I answered. After sitting there for a little while, I slowly got up and went to the door.

Tommy's POV

What is wrong with Dream? I thought to myself. And what the fuck is this place. "What the fuck is this place?" I ask Dream. He didn't answer me.

I turned around to see what he was doing. Why is he just looking at the floor? "Hey! Are you just gonna sit there!?" I yelled at him.
He slowly looked up at me. He was just staring at me. What the fuck is wrong with him.

"Hey?!" I ask. No reply. "Earth to Dream. Earth to Dream, " I said as I moved my hand in front of his face. "Huh? What?" He answered. "You good?" I asked. "Yea, I am," he said.
We sat there for a little while. Then Dream got up and went to the door. He stood there for a while, and then he turned around to look at me. That's when I noticed theres cameras in the room. Who was watching? Then I looked at Dream. All of a sudden, I blacked out.

Dream POV

I went to the door and stood there waiting for the signal. How long is he going to take!? Finally, after a while, he gave me the signal. I turned around to look at Tommy. I hope this works. As I stood there, I noticed that Tommy saw the camera. Then the room slowly filled with a very light steam and Tommy blackout.

Thank god that worked. I went over and picked him up. Those doors slowly opened, and I went through.
I brought Tommy into a different room. There were two beds at each side of the room.
I put him on one of them and left. As the door slowly closed behind me and locked.

I went through some doors and up some stairs to the camera room. "Is everything good?" I ask the guy in the camera room. "Yes," he replied.
"Ok, good. I have to run some errands, so I'll be back later. Keep an eye on him. If something happens, call me right away." I said as I walked to the door.
"Ok, I will," he replied as I left.

2 hours later

Tommy's POV

I slowly got up. Huh? Where the fuck am I? I looked around the room. It was bigger. The walls were a light blue and the floor was a darker blue, and there were two beds.

I looked to make sure I didn't miss anything. Then I realized there were cameras. Who's watching me? I sat up on the bed, then slowly got up. "Hello?" I called out as I walked around.
All I could hear was silence. "Hello? Is anyone there?" No answer.

Then, out of nowhere, I heard someone. Where the fuck did that come from? As I stood there confused I heard the same voice. "Hello Tommy" He said. I didn't recognize the voice. It was very deep. "Hello?" I answer, kinda confused. He didn't answer. I went back to the bed and just sat there staring at the ground. "What the fuck is this place." I mumble to myself.

"Oh. You will found out at some point Tommy." Said the random voice. "Who the fuck are you!?" I yelled out loud.

"You will find out soon," he said. I was so confused. What the fuck am I doing here and where is Dream. The place was so silent. I hated it. Ugh. What the fuck am I supposed to do. This is bullshit. I'm going to bed. I thought to myself.

4 hours later

Camera guy's POV

How long is Dream going to be. I cant sit here and watch him forever. I thought as I sat here watching Tommy. This is boring. He's so boring. "Tommy, get up. It's time for your food," I said to him.

I watched as he slowly got up. "Go to the door you should receive some food." I watched as he slowly got up and walked to the door.
He didn't look so good. I felt kinda bad, but I can't do anything about it. I watched as he ate his food and went back to his bed, he sat down and looked straight at the camera. "Who the fuck are you and where the fuck am I?"
He ask me. I sat there not knowing what to say. "Hello?" He said. "One day you will found out." I slowly said.

1028 words

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