Start from the beginning

Roxy laughs "Remember the time we called the ambulance cause we genuinely thought he was dead?" the small smile on Stella's face stretches as she gazed off wistfully and murmurs "Silva was so mad." There was a lull in the conversation before Stella took a big gulp of her coffee and asked "So did you find Bloom last night?"

Roxy sighed guiltily "I wasn't able to help the other girls cause I saw Silva and had to dip. Terra sent me text saying she was fine though." She paused her expression twisting "Stella what you did to Bloom last night-"

"Was a dick move." Musa interrupted walking into the kitchen and sending a harsh glare towards the second year student . "She had a rough night, thanks to you. I didn't think those things were real but we all saw. It was creepy as hell. It looked like it wanted to kill her."

Roxy furrows her eyebrows her eyebrows in confusion turning towards Musa and asking "What things?" simultaneously with Stella who proceeded to question the other fairy with urgency lacing her words "What about my ring?"

Before the empath could speak, Roxy's redhead roommate sheepishly walks answering the sun fairy "That Burned.. Burned thing took it." at this revelation Stella let out an angered screech causing Musa to flinch whether it was the volume or the intense feelings of anger was unknown to Roxy "Calm down, princess"

"Don't tell me to calm down and don't use my title as an insult." Stella counters angrily, heat in her voice and her heart beating erratically. Her thoughts were running wildly through her mind as she imagined with her mother would say- what her mother would do to her. She could-

A hand slipped into her own and her body bathes in a mouthful of lavender quietening the apocalypse of forlorn thoughts running through her brain. She glances at Roxy's hand intertwined with her own and she thinks of herself as an oragimi crane caught on fire by the girl with a mouthful of sunsets. The weight of those april kisses sit heavy on her tongue and the thought of her mothers ring seems almost like a fleeting thought. She steels the urge to trace the youngers apollo line and let's go ignoring the hurt look that flickers on the earth fairy's face and the loud growl that emits from bunny sitting atop the younger blondes head.

"My mom is the queen of solaria and that ring I gave you is one of our crown jewels of Solaria. Now that might not mean much to a firstworlder, but feel free to ask your suite-mate how big of a screw-up that is-" The princess hisses venomously at the redhead

"Almost as big as giving it to her in the first place, princess" Roxy spits. She pauses and gathers Kiki into her arms muttering she has to go and ignoring the stinging in her eye.

SILVA LET S A SMALL AMUSED SMILE SIT OM HIS LIPS as listened to his youngest ward ramble on about her first day "-and then Dowling was all like here in this circle of stone magic is magnified and i was like bet and then a bunch a birds flew over and it felt like i was snow white-and" the man let out a chuckle and tossed a hand over the excited blonde "That's great, Roxy, and I'm glad you had fun but why are eating lunch with me."

The teen pursed her lips and focused her attention to the soggy salad sat atop her lap "Just wanted to spend sometime with my old man." She wants to say that she is scared. She is scared that the scent of nectarine and coffee will stain her heart, let it run high and aimless and free fall in seconds. Scared that the sight of her will taint it love-sick. She is scared the words 'i miss you' will carve out on her tongue. She wants to say by staying here with him away from her the ' i miss you' will rot in her throat until in decays to gray. But she doesn't.

Silva hums and Roxy can't help but note it's one of her favourite sounds (first place goes to the sound of Stella's laughs) "And it has nothing to do with Stella?" Roxy swillves her head towards the man, lips parting in shock "I'm old not blind. You look at her like your father looked at your mother."

"How did he look at her?"

"Like a sad puppy"

A startled laugh escapes the earth fairy and she bumps her shoulder with the elder man "I thought you were gonna say something more poetic." The man shrugged and said "I'm a specialist, Roxy, not a poet." causing the girl to giggle in agreement "You should talk to her." The girl hummed.

" I'm not taking advice from psychopath, Silva"

"Roxy we've talked about this just because I put milk before the cereal does not-"

"Sorry! I don't speak psychopath."

DESPITE DISMISSING THE ADVICE INITIALLY Roxy decides to head the elder specialist's words and seek out the sun fairy. She finds her in the library. The moonlight crescendos through the stained glass ensaring the elder blonde in vivacious colours and the weight of her breath burn insides Roxy's skin. She swallows the paper-tag of heartbreak caught on her lips and steps towards the girl (heartbreak, she notes, has a certain bittersweet taste made for drowning with cold lager and forest whispers) "Hi" She whispers.

Her moon soaked sun fairy peers up from her book, several seconds pass before her cheeks gradually begin to thaw, warming over in an ombré of pinks. A shy smile sits on her lips as she whispers back "Hi Ro"

Roxy bites rabbit holes into her tongue as she motions towards  the chair "Can we talk?Stella doesn't even hesitate "Always".The word causes Roxy's capillaries to play tug-o-war, gilding across her heartstrings like a violin bow birthing symphonic renditions of memories. She takes a breath to calm herself and says "I miss you" (you hurt me) She grabs the elder girls hands and intertwines their fingers "I miss us" (I don't know why you left me but please come back)

Stella chooses to ignore the sob that is caught in her throat like a pill washed down the wrong way "I miss you too" (It's not your fault, I'm sorry, you deserve better.) She squeezes Roxy's hand "You have no idea how much I miss us" (You deserve better but I'm selfish. Please don't go)

They share smiles and  yet they feel as though their hearts are an open casket and the wind recites obituaries for what could have been "Friends?" Roxy questions her smile not longer full of sunshines but resembling sunburnt flowers, heartbreak trembling on her lips.


Later on that night, the stars watch two girls fall apart like greek ruins in a modern city

word count: 1661

episode 02 (part one)

chapter theme song- are we still friends by tyler the creator
"Are we still friends? (This can't end)"

[this chapter was meant to be finished last week (two weeks ago? idk i'm struggling with time rn) i hope y'all like it. i fear the book might be boring so far but don't worry next chapter is focusing less on stella and more on roxy's platonic and familiar relationships

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i adore each and every one of y'all <3]

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2022 ⏰

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