Finally mine

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Temari's POV

"That idiot ,I thought he was taking me on a date like he promised",Temari said angrily after her misunderstanding with Shikamaru.She thought that he was taking her on a date ,but he just needed her help to pick the right present for Hinata and Naruto's wedding. It would be even more embarrasing he finds out that I was thinking I was the only one for him.I really like that idiot but he's so lazy and stupid.So much for smartest shinobi in Konoha.

Shikamaru's POV

"Ahh ,I really messed up ,I can just imagine how mad she is right now.I hope  I can make things right next time we meet.I was just so nervous around her.You troublesome woman...I wish I could just confess to you,but I guess after today ,not so easy..."  Shikamaru went to take a shower and he fell asleep

A few days later Gaara went to Konoha with Kankuro and Temari because he had to get some duties done ,there he found out that Naruto's getting married.Lee and Ten-Ten told him .They were surprised that Temari didn't know anything about it  'cause she often goes to Konoha to get duties done .And she's with Shikamaru most of the time so he would've told her for sure.

"Hey,Temari!",Gaara called her with confusion


"You knew about the wedding,why didn't you say anything?",he asked suspisiously

"I FORGOT OKAY!",she souted visibly outraged

"S-She's creepy!",Kankuro added while hiding behind Gaara

"Ahh,whatever.Let's go,we have to find appropriate girf,or at least an idea what to give to Hinata and Naruto."

"You're right",Kankuro added and got ready for action,"Temari are you going?"

"No,I'll stay here,you two go I'm not interested in all that lovely-dovely stuff",she still was frustrated

"Okay,okay,Kankuro let's go!",with that Kankuro and Gaara went to search for present

Temari stayed in their apartment for a few hours ,she was wondering what lazy ass Shikamaru was doing and where he was ,she was curious what was he thinking after their last meeting,was he embarrased like her,or was it a drag to think about it like everything else in his lazy life.She decided to go for  walk  in hope she will see him.She was walking on promenade next to the river when she heard familiar voice in front of her

"H-Hi",Shikamaru said while patting his neck nervously.Temari just stood there all embarrased,"I'm sorry about last time Temari",'I'm sorry too'',she was about to cross Shikamaru and continue her walk ,when she felt his hand grab hers,"Wanna go take a bite?",Shikmaru asked avoiding to look her in the eyes,"Why not",she said while smilling at him

"Where do you wanna go?"Shikamaru asked smilling back."Let me see how much money I have with me ","Don't worry about that,dinner is on me","Are you sure ?","Yeah now,let's go!",he forgot he was still holding her hand,he realised when they arrived at ramen place and he let her hand and blushed

They ate ramen,laughed ,made fun of each other as always,they had a really great time,but Temari had to go  back,Shimararu paid the bill and they left."How was dinner?",Shikamaru asked,"Good",Temari was watching his hand,she wanted to hold hid hand but she didn't know how he would react or what will he do,she thought that he was holding her hand just so she won't run away .Suddenly there was an akward silence between them.

"So Temari,about last time ,I wanted to ask you something",he was serious

"W-What is it?"

"What did you mean when you said ,'Was I really the one ',last time we met,before you found out I was thinking about gift for Hinata and Naruto",he asked curiously

"Why do you wanna know that?",she asked een more curious than him

"Look,I'm not stupid,and I know you aren't either,I just wanna know if you like me back,'cause I really like you a lot ...",he asked looking her in the eyes "OMG,I just confessed, I really did ,Ifeel relieed but what will her answer be",he thought to himself","I mean you don't have to answer me now if you're not ready"...

"I like you too",she mumbeled,and looked down all embarrased but happy at the same time

"So you're mine now troublesome woman,he-he", he smilled and hugged her

"And you better respect that you lazy ass",she hugged him back,"Hey,do you want to acompany me to my apartment?"

"Sure",Shikamaru agreed ,and he took her hand in his and they were walking to her place officially as a couple.

"Looks like we're here,well then see you soon",Temari turned to the door,Shikamaru took her waist turned her to the side and kissed her

"See  you soon troublesome", Shikamaru said and left her doorstep with smile on his face

"See you soon,Nara",she smilled back at him ,and with that they parted,both with smiles on their face

Tomorrow Temari went back to her village feeling better than ever, she felt so happy that man she liked for years was finally hers. Shikamaru felt the same ,this troublesome woman was finally his.

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