peter 2 (tobey){1}

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a/n: emo parker time ;)

some parts will be improv aswell. this but gwen is y/n :)

peter had finally asked me on a date, even though we have been friends since we could remember, ive always had a crush on him. even if he was a dork.

we went to the jazz club, my favorite place. i love to dance and he knew that. we walked in and i was admiring the place inside. the sound of a voice saying my name pulled me out of my daydream. "y/n" peter called to me. "okay im coming." i say to him. he comes up close to my ear and whispers to me "you will be tonight." i gasp and blush a crimson type red.

he pulls my seat out and i thank him. he starts staring at something behind me. "isnt that mary jane, your old girlfriend!?" i question. "yeah" he says a hint of sadness in his voice. "do you want to go some place else?" i ask comfortingly. "nah its fine." he answers.

a voice on the stage inturrupts our conversation. "mary jane. show us what you got." he says. "i'll be right back" peter says. i start looking around when i hear a piano playing. i look over and see peter playing the piano. "this is for you" he sings seductively. "double time!" he sings even louder.

he jumps from the seat onto the piano and onto the bartenders table. he picks a drink up "thanks" he thanks the man, who quite clearly is angry at the poor boy. he swings from the chandelier and onto the stool he once sat on. he glides to the middle of the floor, flips the chair and lands it next to him.

i was quite impressed, he didnt seem like the 'let loose' type of guy but i was loving this side of him.

he kicks the chair away and jumps up on stage. he then walks off stage and nearer to the table. he flicks his jacket off and throws it to mary jane, who dodges it.

he then does a small dance, which made me laugh hysterically. he walked over to me, a smirk plastered on his face. he held his hand out to me and i took it. we started dancing at a slow pace and then Peter slid us across the floor slightly.

i dont know what came over me but i decided to put my leg up to his hip, then i put it back down. then i leant back, only to slowly be spun round slowly.

he then lifted my leg up by my thigh, my lower stomach touching his part. i let out a whimper that only he could hear. "y/n lets go home, i have something special planned for us."

lets just say, y/n was screaming most of the night, and not from a bad dream.

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