What's love 'Yell' Mr Captain ?

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'Oh captain why yours eyes are wet on the laughter of beloved'.

What's love 'Yell' Mr Captain ?

Love is thicker than forget,Thinner  than regret,
A house built upon the strength of cloud,
In the rain of tears it will melt.

Love is a invisible thread ,
Strangely solemn,everywhere spread ,
Nor bright, nor ochre ,nor red,
For poor hearts ,piece of bread ,
For foolish ,song of sad;
For needy,beautiful shed.

Love is a freedom of forget and let go;
Gettin' happiness in the joy of beloved and let go;
Ache' n heart, longing' n eyes ,constant sacrifice and let go;
Love oh 'my Jove' ,a state of death,
and oh! a state-
Of bethe rejoyce,
Whether ye are above or beneath, Of a forlorn voice,
Love is love, nor words ,nor chants ,nor sermons,
nor portrays ,nor can embrace.

~ c.p

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