When you come back from work\school tired

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"Ugh i hate being a waiter" you yelled walking through the door after closing it you heard footsteps coming down the stairs you look up and you see Keeho walking down "Tough day at work again?" You just look at him and nod He comes closer and wraps his arms around you "i'm sorry baby i ordered some food earlier its on the table i was waiting for you"
You come back from work tired and stressed and see all the boys asleep in the living room with a movie on. You see Theo laying on floor on top of a thick blanket you lay down next to him and he wakes up " oh you're home? I didn't think you were coming back i tried calling but you didn't answer.....i was worried" he said and hugged you "I'm sorry baby, i just had to work extra hours because someone quit" You said hugging him back and yawning "c'mon baby lets go to sleep"
You come back from work and Jiung hugs you "did you have a good day?" He said with big smile and then noticed you weren't hugging him back "are you ok what happened?" You told him everything and he listened and tried to cheer you up and luckily he did
As you walk in the door you throw your backpack on the couch and walk to Intak's room. You see him laying down on his phone. He looks up from his phone and smiles at you "hi baby. How was school?" You just pout at him and lay next to him "not good huh? Thats ok we all have bad days sometimes" He said playing with your hair "lets listen to some music hm?" You nod and he puts some music on y'all sing and dance and that just made your day great
You come back from school and lay on your bed you failed your test that you took today that studied all week for. You hear a Knock "Come in!" You said and your mom came in "Soul's here for you" you looked behind her and saw Soul smiling you smiled back and told him to come in and your mom left "so how did the test go?" He said patting your head "I failed" you looked down and he hugged you "that's ok this was just a practice test anyway we will work harder for the next one ok?" He said pulling away from the hug "Look i brought some rubber bands and clips so you can do my hair
You didn't wanna go home after school because your parents were probably still at work and your sibling was staying after school today so you went straight to the dorm when you knocked on the door Keeho answered and you ran right passed him going into Jongseob's room as soon as you got in you hugged him "p-princess are you ok?" You shake your head and tell him everything while he listens and hugs you and rubs your back giving you forehead kisses

A|n: what is your Favorite song on the new album?
Me: before the dawn

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