Chapter 1:

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"Go to sleep twats!" Screamed Mary-Antonette to her kids.
" and turn that stupid thing off!" She referred to Symphony's phone.
Symphony Bowert is a sweet 14 year old with blue eyes and light brown hair. She has a older brother named Jake Bowert who is 15 and with light blue eyes and brown messy hair. They both lived with there un-caring mother and there abusive boyfriend, Lance.
"What time is it?" Asked Jake
"10:10. Goodnight" Symphony replied
Jake got up & Walked out to his room next door.
Lance cracked Symphony's door open.
He creeped up Symphony's open. She was deep asleep. He started touching her down her arms and legs. Then, he kissed her stomach & face. She flinched a couple of times. He then kissed her on her lips. Now, Symphony was wide awake. Her eyes jumped open. Before she knew it, Lance's hand was covering her mouth. No sound was coming out of Symphony. She was silent. She had no force. No strength. She couldn't do anything to stop it. There eyes finally met. "Fuckin Pervert" she thought. She could only think. Lance can't get in there. She was getting sexually abused by her mother's boyfriend and nobody knew. As the horrible night continued, he finally stopped & left. Symphony then, reached down to her drawer, took out her blade, & started to cut through her skin. She then, cried herself to sleep.

7:15 -
"Wake up Sympht!!" Yelled Jake.
"I'm up." I yelled back
"Hey, after school you wanna maybe grab something to eat?" Asked Symphony
"Is mom awake?"
"Um, I don't know & I don't care"
"Okay then. Let's go!"
Jake's POV:
Why should i care about what My mother is doing if she never cared about me & Symphony? She never asks us about our day or anything. Me & Symphony are the ones who work for food on the table most of the times. She just go our to night clubs and ver drunk in the money Dad left for me & Symphony for needs. Me & Symphony only love dad. He's Always there for us when we need him Bu the can't take us with him because for some reason, Symphony is always on Her side & she's the youngest and i dont think mom knows this but we all knows she bribs her to Stay with Her but she just santa to take back at My dad because of what he did to Her. She deserverd It. My mom doesnt like me & I dont like Her.
My friend came up to me at My locker.
"Hey Jake" he said
"What up Chad"
" Was our first period?"
Chad is the kind of lad almost everyone would want to beat the fuck up. Why? Because he's Always trying to bring up sometbkng something. & The funny part of all of this is, he's My bestfriend.
"Dude, Khristen." Chad said looping at a girl
"Symphony's friend? What about Her?"
"She's hot as fuck"
"Not really" I said trying to find out What he meant
"You're right. Your sister is hotter!"
"Dude, what the hell? Can you stop? She's My sister you faggot!"
"Stop being a fat fuck. She got ass. What's her name again? Simpathy?"
I Hated how Chad would Always say stupid shit like that to My sister! Can perverts like back the fuck off? If i ever see someone mess with Her or do something to Her that i dont like, im gonna lose It !
"Oh My god, Bye Chad"
I Walked Away.
But Then I stopped.
Because My eyes Caught someone gorgeuse Walk by.
Austin Ower.

Hey 😘 Fernanda here ✌️ I hope you liked my first chapter of My first fan fic. I will update more later. Now that I'm getting a new phone, I can update more and more but not much now. Well like & comment if you like it!! Muah 💖

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