The Weight of the World (Rhysand)

Start from the beginning

"No," he finally said. My heart sank. "I appreciate the offer, Y/N, but you don't need to worry yourself with any of my problems. We all have enough going on as it is."

"Rhys. Look at me." He turned, a bit reluctantly, and I took his hands. It took all the courage I had to take that leap, but I didn't let myself think about it as I stared straight into his eyes, trying to will him to believe the words I was saying. "The weight of the world is not yours alone to bear. You have friends and family who care about you. I care about you. I want to help you. Please, trust me enough to let me help you."

Rhys blinked, and I swear I saw the air go right out of him. He looked more vulnerable than I'd ever seen, and when he sagged and leaned a little into me, I thought I might've finally broken through to him. Then, just as quickly as he'd faded, he straightened back up and gently pulled his hands out of my grip. His mask of calm, clever coolness was back.

"I appreciate it, Y/N. It helps me to know you're here for me, and that the rest of our friends are too. But I don't want you bearing the weight of the world on your shoulders simply as a consequence of knowing me."

I scowled and started to protest, but before I could, Rhys took a step back. His wings extended behind him, and he gave me a sad smile.

"I'll see you tomorrow for our meeting with the Court of Dreams, Y/N."


He didn't let me get more than his name out before he took off into the night air. I watched him soar over the lights of the city and back to the townhouse, and once he was out of sight, I sighed.

"Those damn wings."


I spent the rest of the walk home absolutely stewing in negative emotions. I don't know what I'd been hoping for; Rhys was five hundred years old, and he'd had this habit just as long. Did I really expect him to break down and change just like that?

Unfortunately for me, the answer was yes. I'd been hoping my words, my touch, would be enough to get Rhys to change. To open up to me, to let me carry the burdens he so desperately wanted to keep the rest of us from carrying.

I really should've known better. Maybe it'd be different if we were mates.

I stared out my window and brushed my teeth as I watched the first drops of rain coming down. It wasn't even midnight yet, so Mor, Cassian, and Az would still be dancing the night away inside.

Well, Mor and Cassian would. Az was probably sitting in a corner judging everyone else.

Either way though, Rhys was right. They would all look like drowned rats when they eventually came stumbling out to walk home.

Amren, of course, would be holed up in her little attic apartment, probably asleep or doing a puzzle now that she'd gorged herself on blood. And Rhys...

Rhys was probably still up, working away at the townhouse while no one was around to bother him or try to help him. Consistently putting the weight of everything in the world on himself, and never letting anyone help with more than a part of the load.

I sighed, spit out the toothpaste, then collapsed into bed. There was nothing more I could do, other than continue to be there for him if he ever decided to get his head out of his ass and change his mind.

I tossed and turned for a good hour before I finally managed to pass out. I could hear the rain picking up outside, and eventually, the sound of it pounding against the roof was enough to lull me to sleep.


I shot out of bed, grabbing my dagger from under my pillow as I went. I glanced at my clock and saw it was just before two in the morning. The rain was still going strong, and I froze, all senses on high alert as I listened for whatever sound had woken me up.

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