First Dish!!

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" Alright Chefs, I want you to make me your favorite dish. " Gordon looks at your team ( Red ) and the other team ( Blue ). You bite your lip, trying to think of your favorite meal. You normally ate TV dinners. Still frozen of course, considering you couldn't afford a microwave. You decided to make your mom's favorite. PB&J. She went on a PB&J diet for awhile, before her doctor said it was ' unhealthy '. We had like five jars of peanut butter we had to throw out after that.

Everyone scurries to their work station, getting to work. You grab four pieces of bread, grapes, peanuts, and as you go to grab the sugar, Harry grabs it before you do. " Sworry Darlin' this tings mine " He smirks at you. " B-but I need that! " You cry. " I used all mine sworry, I ned it. " He smiles. You huff. You walk over to someone else's station.

" D-dream..? " You mutter. " What? " He glances over at you. " Harry took my sugar.. can I borrow yours? " You say shyly. " Sorry lady, I need mine. " He shrugs. You huff, walking to your station. That leaves.. Ed. You question if you even need it, before shyly walking to Ed's station.

" Do you um.. have any sugar? " You ask quietly. He smirks, handing you the sugar. You walk away embarrassed. You sigh, beginning your meal. You toast the bread in the frying pan, and make the peanut butter by putting it in the blender. You then grab a bowl, pouring the grapes in the bowl. You start mushing the grapes with a potato masher. You look up, to see Gordon watching you intensely. You blush, looking down at the bowl. You flip the bread, letting the other side toast.

The peanut butter finishes, and you pour it into a separate bowl. You pour a bit of sugar into both the peanut butter and jelly. You mix the sugar into both, and keep cooking your bread. You're pretty sure this isn't how jelly or peanut butter is made, but to be fair you can't even afford a microwave, so what do you expect?

You finish all the ingredients, now to just put it together.. You lay the first piece of toast on the plate, spreading peanut butter on it. You're about to spread the jelly, but.. " This needs something.. " You mutter to yourself. You look around, trying to think of what to add. Then, an idea pops in your mind. You grabs a wine bottle, putting a small bit of wine ( about two glasses ) into the jelly. You begin to spread it, putting it nicely on the other slice of bread.

You make sure the sandwich is directly in the middle. You make another sandwich, putting it on top the other, but pointed a different direction. You then put jelly on half of the rim of your plate. Then on the other side, you do peanut butter. You took a couple peanuts crushing them up and sprinkling it onto the peanut butter on the rim.

This is the fanciest goddamn PB&J ever.

You wait for the other teams to finish, and once everyone does, Gordon begins to judge the meals.

First up, Harry. " And what is this? " Gordon looks at the dish in front of him. " Wotermelon " Harry says. The meal is just watermelon covered in pounds of sugar. " Why the hell have you done this? " Gordon looks at the plate in horror. " I believe if I eat this, I will get diabetes. " He insults. " But I'm Haryy Styels. " Harry says. " Yes and your dish is repulsing. " Gordon throws a piece of watermelon at Harry. Sugar all over his clothes.

Next is Dream. " Right, this is? " Gordon looks at Dream. " Fried chicken, sir. " Dream responds. " It looks like fucking cock. " Gordon looks at the penis shaped food in front of him. " I didn't mean for it to- " Dream chuckles awkwardly. " You put mayonnaise dripping down on the tip. " Gordon looks at him. " Well- " Before Dream can say anything else, Gordon throws it on the ground and stomps on it. Dream walks in horror before walking away.

Next up, is you. You sigh, scared after seeing his reaction to everyone else's dishes. " Finally something that looks actually edible.. " He mutters. You gulp. He takes a bite. He takes the sandwich and tears it in half. " It's better then the other dishes. " He scoffs. " Thank you Chef- "
" But that doesn't mean it's good. "

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