chapter 4~

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Your alarm blared off at 6:30, signalling you to get your lazy ass out of bed. You checked your phone and saw messages from the group chat. It was mainly just Marcel adding Porco to the group chat and him complaining why he was in it. You chuckled to yourself and began getting ready for the day. Even though you had never met this Porco guy before, you still wanted to make a first impression in front of him. You actually made an effort in your outfit, wearing one that made your body look good but still didn't show that much skin - you were quite insecure about yourself after Floch's snarky comment. Proud of your outfit, you began working on make up. You kept it simple, just concealer, mascara and bit of blush and lip gloss. You stared at yourself in the mirror for a bit, checking yourself out. Damn, you were happy with how you looked- for the first time in a long time.

Time skip to first lesson~
You walked into class and with a few looks from boys like Jean, you say yourself down with Reiner and Annie- the only two in your lesson.
"Hey Y - wow you look nice. " Annie stated.

" Aha thank you Annie. "

"So Y/N, what's the fancy occasion? Why'd you get all dressed up? Oh my god! It's for Porco isn't it!" Reiner teased.

"No no no, I just wanted to look better today." You lied.

"Sure sure Y/N, whatever you say."
God, this lesson was boring. You didn't want to sit through an hours worth of listening to Mr Zacharius drag on about some atom. You slowly felt yourself dozing off onto your desk.
" Uhm Miss L/N, please wake up, I'm sorry if my lesson was boring you. " Mr Zacharius was too timid to give anyone detentions, so you actually felt kinda bad you fell asleep. He was a nice teacher.
"Oh sorry Sir, I didn't get much sleep last night."
"It's okay, just try pay attention for the rest of class, yeah?"
"Yea Sir, I'm sorry."
You turned around to see a worried Reiner looking at you, pondering whether your new sleepiness was just due to lack of, or maybe the effects of Floch.

After class~
"Y/N, you're lucky you fell asleep in Mr Zacharius' class. I once fell asleep in Mr Ackermans class. Let's just say he grabbed me by my collar and yanked me out of my sleep." Reiner said, shuddering from the memories.
" True story guys! I was there! " Colt yelled, running up to catch up with you three.
"Also guys, since it's break now, this will give us a good chance to meet Marcel's mystery brother."

" Speaking of him, Y/N got dressed up for him. " Reiner teased.

"Did not!" You argued, punching his arm. Not that it would do anything to him.

"Oh you so did. Anyways, there's Marcel up there. Let's go see if he knows where his brother is."

"Oi! Marcel!" Colt exclaimed. The four of you ran up to Marcel, hoping to see his brother.

"Oh hey guys! I'm really excited for you to meet Porco. I think he's in the canteen ordering food, so let's go meet up with him!" Marcel said, a huge grin on his face.

" I'm not too excited to meet him. He seems rude from the warning you gave us. "  Annie mumbled.

"You're not excited about anything, Ann." Marcel grumbled .

"Dont call me that. I hate it."

" Anyways, there's Porco. Pock! "
A tall boy turned his head, whilst stuffing his face with what looking like a doughnut and a Radnor Splash😩.
"Meet Porco everyone."
You all said hey, him replying with a nonchalant "hi".
" I'm Reiner Braun. "
"Colt Grice."
" Annie Leonhardt . "
"And I'm Y/N L/N! "
"Porco Galliard. Pretty sure you already know that from what I've heard my brother has been saying about me."
A black- haired girl ran up to Porco, very flushed.

"Hey, I'm Pieck Finger. I know you're new but I think you are really cute, to be honest. Did you maybe wanna go out some time?" She said hopefully.

" I'm good. " Porco said blandly.

The girl looked disappointed and walking back to her table. Reiner began to laugh.
"Damn Marcel, you were right about saying Porco got bitches."
Porco scowled and shot a glare at his brother, who put his hands up as self defense.
"Please don't hurt me, Pock!"

"Don't call me that, Marcel. You know I hate it." You all walked to your table where Bertholdt was sitting, eating his chicken wings.
" What took you all so long! I've been waiting for ages! " Bertholdt complained . "Oh you must be Marcel's brother. I'm Bertholdt. Bertholdt Hoover."
" Porco Galliard. "

You all engaged in conversation, and you decided to take in Porco's appearance in more detail. His honey coloured hair was slicked back with gel, similar to Marcel but Marcel didn't use gel. He had hazel eyes.and very faint freckles on his face- and chubby cheeks which you found cute. His nose upturned to a point, and his facial features were defined and masculine. Porco was very similar to Marcel, but unfortunately for Marcel, Porco was the more attractive sibling. He was around 5'8, and although he was only wearing a dark green bomber jacket, white shirt and cargo trousers, you could tell he had a good build.

"Y/N? You still there?" Bertholdt clicked his fingers in front of your face.

" Oh yeah, sorry I just blanked out. What were you guys talking ab-" you were interrupted by another girl running up to your table.

"Hitch Dreyse. I suppose your Porco Galliard. I've heard a lot about you. Would you maybe want to hang out one time? "

"Sorry but no."

" Aw, come on. Loosen up a bit. Hang out with someone actually worth your time, instead of these guys. " She shot you all dirty looks - which you and Annie simultaneously flipped her off.

"Feisty friends as well. Look please will you consider it?"

"Look Hatch-"

"My name 's Hitch."

"Ok whatever. I said no and that's my final fucking answer. Now would you just fuck off back to your prissy little friends and leave us alone? "

"There's no need to get so damn angry Pock."
He stood up and slammed his hand down on the table. Porco leant in closer to Hitch and said:
"Don't fucking call me that, you bitch. I don't in anyway want to hang out with you or any of your other bitchass friends. Now would you please respect my wishes before I pummel your head into this table. "
She huffed and walked off, attempting at a strut but failing.
"Wow Porco." Colt admired .

"I would do anything to have girls fall at my feet like that. " Bertholdt complained.

"You really wouldn't. Anyways, what were we talking about?"
"Couldn't tell you."

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