Once Upon A Time - Chp 23

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"The man prefers it," Richard said with a smile on his lips "He could never abide all the fuss of being in London society. I really think he loves being a mysterious figure in his mansion on the hill."

Closing the book he had been reading, Richard Hale kept one finger in between the last pages he just read. He used it to hold his place for when he resumed his reading. Margaret had spared the book a quick glance before looking away. Books or reading in general hadn't been to her taste at all lately and with good reason.

"I wish he would visit us here in London. Maybe he will now that you have this new house?" she told him. 

"Callum's not much for traveling beyond home anymore. His health's been failing lately, poor fellow. I should travel north and see him soon myself."

"See who?"

Maria returned then carrying the tray of filled coffee cups. She placed it in the center of the round table before taking her seat. Margaret reached for the nearest one, smiling at seeing the milk already added and in the right amount.

"Mr. Bell, Mother. Father and I have been thinking of asking him to join us at Christmas, if he'll make the journey."

"Oh that would be a feat. I've asked every year, but he always declines so graciously, I never feel insulted," her mother told her.

Handing a cup to her husband Maria took the last for herself. She stirred the steaming liquid with a small teaspoon before taking a sip. Leaning back into her chair, she reclined fully into the cushioned seat and then looked out into the dark garden, smiling at the pretty picture it made in the moonlight.

"Still, he may relent now that we've given up the large house," Maria replied

"He still sends me presents on Christmas and my birthday. He has yet to miss one year. I never thought a godfather would be that attentive."

Margaret doubted Mr. Bell would ever forget

"Then you must go and see him, my dear. I expect he's very lonely these days, though he won't admit it."

"Such a shame he never married or had a family," his wife added.

"Callum was always so busy back then, traveling here and there."

"Hmmm... that would have made things difficult."

Richard Hale drank a good portion of his coffee before setting it down at the small table to his right. Watching his daughter over the rim of his glasses, he gazed evenly at her as she took several small sips of her drink while staring absentmindedly outside. His feelings told him there was something wrong, but he had no proof apart from fatherly instinct.

"Perhaps you'll consider going in a day or two?"

"This week, Father? I hadn't thought to but I suppose I could."

They were still busy, but Margaret knew Tara wouldn't object.

"I think he would enjoy having you pop up unexpectedly. The man has always been a bit strange that way."

"Yes, he is that," Maria added. "You'll have to bring his favorite fruit tarts of course, or he won't let you in."

Margaret had to smile at that. Mr. Bell had a notorious sweet tooth when it came to fruit tarts. Tara would make a tray full if asked in an instant. That wasn't a problem; it was heading to that town where John lived that made her nervous

"You know, I never understood why he preferred to live in Milton," Maria asked.

Richard thought for a moment, trying to recall the reason himself.

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