Sorrowful Sympathy

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A/N: this oneshot was inspired by the Haunting!Marcy au made by @IceyMoonShards on Twitter! Go check them out, they tweet pretty often and make comics about the au :) and now, to the oneshot.

⚠️Tw: panic attack, yelling⚠️


Two months. That's how long Anne had been living, or- existing with Ghost Marcy. It had been two months without color, besides the ever tiring green glow that Marcy emitted.

It had been two months since the accident. The accident that left Marcy as a ghost, and bitter.

Anne had learned to get used to the sarcastic or snide remarks. She always forgave her, even if it stuck with her for days.

Anne currently sat on her bed, staring off into space (something that was becoming increasingly common). She eventually snapped out of her trance after hearing Marcy's voice.

"So, are you going to stare for rest of the day?" Marcy questioned, almost mocking. Anne sighed, it felt like she had been keeping it for forever. "No.. I better eat something anyways," Anne got up.

Marcy rolled her eyes. "I wish I could do that still," She retorted. "Too bad that was taken away from me." Anne winced. "It was an accident, you know this Mar-mar." She turned to face her.

Marcy dulled her eyes. "Don't call me that anymore." Anne frowned, but nodded. Moving onto a different subject.

"What's with you today anyways? You're angrier than usual." Anne asked, concerned. Marcy scoffed, turning her head away. "I just keep feeling pain in my eye, y'know from where you stabbed me?"

Anne's eyes widened. "O-oh.." Marcy narrowed her eyes. "Yeah oh."

Anne turned away. "I'm gonna get something to eat, stay here." Marcy shrugged. "I can't really do that, I have to follow you remember?"

Anne let out a frustrated groan. "Right-" She made her way down to the kitchen, grabbing a granola bar.

"Anne?" Her mom's voice was soft. "Are you doing alright?"

Anne hesitated. On one hand she didn't want to answer, but on the other hand, she could tell her mom what really has been going on.

"I'm doing fine mom, thanks for asking." Anne smiled, It felt like plastic.

"That's good to hear, I've been worried about you lately." Anne's mom smiled back and went into the living room.


"Are you serious?!" Marcy shouted. Anne shook her head. "I couldn't tell her okay?" Anne knew the reason behind not telling her. She didn't want her own mother looking at her like a monster. She- she didn't want anybody else to see her like that.

"It's been two months Anne! Two!" Marcy held up two fingers to emphasize her point. "Are you just gonna ignore me for the rest of my death?" She accused, eyes holding no warmth or softness like they used too.

"I'm not ignoring you! I just want to tell everybody when they're ready." Anne retorted, almost a bit annoyed.

That, set Marcy off.

Marcy balled up her fists, eyes burning with anger. "Everybody is ready Anne! But you're just too scared to! Sooner or later everybody will know that you're just a cold blooded murderer!" She yelled.

The room stayed quiet. Marcy's expression softened a bit when she started realizing the weight of her words.

Anne stepped back, her head hung in- shame? "You're right.." she sniffled.

Marcy stayed still. "You're right Marcy.. I- I murdered you. You still had an entire life to live, but now you just have follow your killer.."

She still stayed quiet, bringing a hand up her to her chest, still a fist. Anne simply slumped her shoulders. "I- I need some time alone,"

Anne walked to her room, shutting the door a little louder than she intended. She grabbed a pillow off her bed and hugged it, burying her face into it.

Anne glanced up to see Marcy's green glow. "Leave me alone Marcy.."

Marcy stepped away, as far as she could go considering she had to follow Anne everywhere.

She heard sniffling, looking at Anne she could see tears staining the pillow.

Marcy turned her head away. Anne killed you remember? She reminded herself. Just, ignore it.

Anne hugged the pillow tighter. I didn't mean too..

But Marcy said it herself, I'm a murderer.

Maybe if I just did something different

Maybe if I didn't stab her in the eye

Maybe if.. I could control my emotions she'd be alive.

Anne felt her chest tighten. It felt so hard to breathe. Her breaths were shallow and quick, and Anne's mind was going at hundred miles a second.

Marcy ignored Anne. She kept reminding herself that it was Anne who killed her. Anne who- who made her into a ghost.

She looked back at Anne, hearing shallow breaths. She could Anne hugging the pillow so tightly it could explode.

Marcy couldn't help but feel sympathy and guilt at the same time. She couldn't hold back forever.

Finally, she flew over to Anne, placing a hand on her shoulder. Despite her hand going through Anne, it didn't mean she didn't feel it.

Anne felt like her shoulder just took an ice bath. It snapped her away from her jumbled mess that was her thoughts and looked up at Marcy.

Marcy gave a warm, soft smile. "I just wanted say- I'm sorry."

Anne looked in shock. It was the first apology she had ever heard from Marcy, and it meant a lot.

She wiped her tears away, feeling her chest un tighten.

"Copy my breathing," Marcy said. Anne looked in confusion. "Or- just take deep breaths alright?"

Anne did what Marcy told her, taking in deep breaths and holding them before exhaling. After a bit, she loosened her grip on the pillow, finally over the panic attack.

Marcy scratched the back of her neck awkwardly. Now what?

"Hey uhm, Marcy?" She glanced up. "Hm?"

"Thanks for helping me, I.. I really appreciate it." Anne smiled, suddenly looking like the Anne before Amphibia. Before everything was complicated.

Marcy smiled back. "It's no problem Anne." She nodded and stared at the wall.

"Oh and one more thing," Anne turned around, curious.

"Call me Marbles."

Total words: 1027

A/N: AAA I LOVE THIS ONESHOT SO MUCH! this is definitely my favorite so far. And again, thank you to @IceyMoonShards on Twitter for letting me use your au :>

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